[3.2] 15c BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri

My DPS in PoB is significantly worse than the template ones. I still haven't bought a stat stick for boss switching yet, so that is probably my next purchase. Where should I go after that to improve the build?

Is it worth to buy/craft amulet like this?
Mods looks amazing but i'm not sure that it is worth to use them instead of flatphys+accuracy.
If someone could test it in pob or ingame i'll be really apprecitaed.
My DPS in PoB is significantly worse than the template ones. I still haven't bought a stat stick for boss switching yet, so that is probably my next purchase. Where should I go after that to improve the build?

flat phys damage (steel rings, amu, ebyss jewels) is the KEY, personally I use one statstick with ele/extraele/aoe (check my post above), just swaping conc/area for bosses
my offhand mace is optimal for both, AOE from it still matters for safety reasons
lvl up all gems to at least 20/20 (except chance to bleed, no need to extra bleed damage)
in my opinion from some point explode mod is useless, since You have trash overkill ability all the time even with 2 stacks of BF
try to grab also kaom's (huuge lifepool boost) and elder 6L gloves (20bleed/any (16+)faster attacks for main skill

dholly wrote:
Is it worth to buy/craft amulet like this?
Mods looks amazing but i'm not sure that it is worth to use them instead of flatphys+accuracy.
If someone could test it in pob or ingame i'll be really apprecitaed.

Of course it is, but this would be most expensive piece of Your gear, if You are BTC spike beneficient, just don't hesitate
"Je sens que je suis libre,
mais je sais que je ne le suis pas”
―Emil Mihai Cioran
Last edited by skrecu on Jan 16, 2018, 3:24:51 AM
skrecu wrote:

try to grab also kaom's (huuge lifepool boost) and elder 6L gloves (20bleed/any (16+)faster attacks for main skill

So it's better to get Kaom's and gloves like u mention than 6-link Belly? Cause i have one, but now I'm thinking about switching it.
@Baldersh, Thanks for the guide. I also would like to thanks the community for the good discussion here. I got really good tips reading almost all 34 pages. I'm having fun with this build and I can do almost all the end game easily. But yes, some bosses like guardians we need to know the mechanic and it depends on the map mods.

Currently I'm lvl94, 6.6K HP, 1.4m dps on PoB, 44% evasion, 30% Dodge/Spell Dodge. I spent around 40ex on this.

The Perfect Form: When I got lvl 90 I was having stressing moments seeing my health globe flicker a lot. So I got Phase Acrobatics passive and it got me a huge improvement in my defensive. So I saw a post from @Riusaldregan where he recommended TPF. I tried it and I love it. It also has a free Arctic Armour buff which helps a bit. I only had bad luck with the socket colors. I spent like 3500 chroms to get 3R 2B 1G. It also took me some time and currency to change most of my gear to focus on Cold Res.

Weapon Swap: I bought this stat stick mace for 2ex and I do not need to swap weapons anymore. This explode dealing 5% is really nice when mapping. I also got a Bloodseeker with Culling Strike and this is a huge increase in the DPS (not calculated by PoB).

DPS: As stated by a lot of people in this post, flat physical damage is the most important stat to increase the dps. I got rings, amulet, gloves and 3 Eye Jewel with it. My rings and gloves also has Accuracy to reach 93% chance to hit.
Last edited by fokolino on Jan 16, 2018, 7:35:50 AM
skrecu wrote:

Of course it is, but this would be most expensive piece of Your gear, if You are BTC spike beneficient, just don't hesitate

Could you, please, explain me why is it worth it?
I just made amulet like this in pob with just 2 extra damage mods and replaced my random shitty amulet with just 300 accuracity and t1-phys, after that ive got around -20k calculated dps. I understand that my gear is kinda bad and it cant fully suit that amulet (jesus, i dont even have accuracity mod on my gloves), but i just dont understand how it can worthly (25 ex-worhtly i mean) boost your dps even in minmaxed mirrored gear.
Last edited by dholly on Jan 16, 2018, 7:30:28 AM
My DPS in PoB is significantly worse than the template ones. I still haven't bought a stat stick for boss switching yet, so that is probably my next purchase. Where should I go after that to improve the build?

- You need to lvl up a bit and get socket nodes in the Tree. Put Eye Jewel with (Claw) Physical Damage + Life.

- You still need Cloaked in Savagery ascendancy. Once you get it, make sure you have checked "Have you been savage hit recently" in PoB Config.

- You need to lvl up your gems to 20/20.

- I prefer Increased Critical Damage than Faster Attacks in my 6L. Change that in PoB and you will see a higher dps.

- Yes, stat stick weapon will improve a bit your dps as well

- Try to get a Spiked Gloves with Physical Damage as well (This is expensive I know).

- When calculating your dps in PoB, use Concetrated Effect instead of Increased Area Effect. And make sure you've selected Shaper/Guardian in Configuration.

dholly wrote:
Is it worth to buy/craft amulet like this?
Mods looks amazing but i'm not sure that it is worth to use them instead of flatphys+accuracy.
If someone could test it in pob or ingame i'll be really apprecitaed.

I've tested it in PoB and that Amulets with 2x Gain XX% of + Crit are better than my ones with flat phys + accuracy (50K+ dps). But they're very expensive.
Last edited by fokolino on Jan 16, 2018, 9:05:12 AM
Got this for 1 fusing! heh, and I can already feel the difference when clearing maps.
Fenelon wrote:
Got this for 1 fusing! heh, and I can already feel the difference when clearing maps.

Told you. This stat is really cheap and can give smoothness to maps. You just need to press X. I dont know why the hell someone wrote that is not important lol
Last edited by Ghato123 on Jan 16, 2018, 10:55:08 AM

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