[3.4] Ahn's Might Juggernaut - Uber Lab Farmer - League Starter - Shaper + End Game (Videos)

I dont know how you get 5.5 hp on bad gear. I take all hp nodes + have all items 70+hp and roots with 180hp, and i have 4900 hp.

I have 6.6k hp and still can upgrade my gear.... 7 endu charges and 190k dps buffed with conc effect on a 5link. Just get some hp nodes.
Last edited by Psycomantje on Mar 9, 2018, 9:00:35 AM
Psycomantje wrote:
I dont know how you get 5.5 hp on bad gear. I take all hp nodes + have all items 70+hp and roots with 180hp, and i have 4900 hp.

I have 6.6k hp and still can upgrade my gear.... 7 endu charges and 190k dps buffed with conc effect on a 5link. Just get some hp nodes.

You get 12 base life per level up. Leveling up from 78 to 93 gives as much life as 180hp kaoms roots do.
Do you have any leveling guides for this build?
Do you cap resist on gear or do you slack on res-gear and get max res from endurance charges?
selvisk wrote:
Do you cap resist on gear or do you slack on res-gear and get max res from endurance charges?

Im not op but im getting max res from endu charges. Im like 55-55-79. I am currently saving up for an astral plate and that should fix my res. But i will never be at the ele weakness cap without endurance charges i think
I began league with this build because I wanted to do a lab farmer until I knew how builds would settle. Cleave does not feel as smooth as some other similar builds I have played, and until today I felt it was lacking damage and was prone to being nuked by heavy damage mods.

However since adding Kaoms roots and an astral plate I picked up for 55c and 6 linked in 80 fuses I must say my view has changed. I find the damage quite good (and I have a long way to go if I decide to GG it up as I usually do).

I am sitting at 6.4k life with fairly shit gear (specifically bad rings/ammy) and I will be able to effortlessly double cap when I upgrade these (not that it is needed for a lab runner (and even mapping since endurance charges make up for it).

Early league the gear was expensive, but Ahn's might, Starkonja, belt of the deceiver etc are cheap now. You can buy a +1 endurance charge deceiver for 10-15c (I paid 1ex for a VERY well rolled one though). So this build is most certainly budget.

I have not bothered with lab yet much, however I must say traps and Izzaro are effortless.

My profile is public for anyone who wishes to see my gear so far: VenGanZa9

I can most certainly endorse this build, you get exactly what the OP says you do, and it is very much budget.

I have not got Guardian maps or shaper sets yet, but if it can handle them, I will probably GG it up with +1 chest all 21/20 gems and max rolled items during the league.
OCEANIC EXILES https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/581434
Hi all! Can someone tell me, should i use TOH vs this build?
Ty a lot
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I get something like 120k dps on pob, with one ahn's might and scaeva, abyssus. What should I change in my gear to pump it? I tried changing some items in pob trying to use the same as this build... but I can't get anywhere past 300k. Can someone please give me some suggestions? I'm pretty sad I don't get what I should do I feel such a noob lol.
Last edited by xDarkTemplar on Mar 11, 2018, 6:00:53 AM
Loving this build so far.

Current gear:

Got the last jewel as a drop and hit 21/20 on cleave on first try.

Currently sitting at 5.9KHP and 263K (Ruthless/Inc AoE) and 517K (Maim/Conc) DPS at my HO with just auras + golem.

Next up is getting a 25% crit Ahn's might with high DPS/acc so it's worth getting 30% quality on as well as some better jewelry.
Last edited by Arnsuz on Mar 11, 2018, 6:41:12 AM
I wonder if i can expect to do t6 maps deathless at level 73, first 3 labs done, capped res, 4.2k life, 6k armor and 70k cleave damage?

I am kind of disappointed so far, dying at least once on yellow t5/6 maps.

Will 2k more life or the uber lab do the trick?

Played molten strike slayer last league, that was way more stable even at this stage.
Last edited by bex_HB on Mar 11, 2018, 9:22:09 AM

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