[3.0] 22k EHP Hybrid RF/SR Guardian - BOSS KILLER - Harbinger League - 1.25M DPS

Smooshfaced wrote:
I have to ask, maybe I missed it in the questions thread, but with MoM, how do you still have mana to cast scorching ray?

Mom is 30% of dmg taken to life not dmg taken to ES - so unless we get hit with chaos dmg our life doesnt move - but since we do get hit from chaos dmg every now and then we have a high mana regen so it can keep going
Smooshfaced wrote:
I have to ask, maybe I missed it in the questions thread, but with MoM, how do you still have mana to cast scorching ray?

Mom protects life not ES. ES takes non-chaos damage before life. With the huge mana pool, you regen enough mana to cast scorching ray almost immediately even if you do take life damage.

I was commenting today that it is kinda nice that if I take chaos damage, my scorching ray flickers (very briefly) and I know to hit a life flask.
Throwing all the currency I have into this build on standard. It's insane. I can get 20K EHP, near max block, 3 Curses (Ele Weakness, Vuln, and Flamm) if I pick up Whispers of Doom, and millions of damage. Lol.

The shitty rings and helm are placeholders while I search for items to buy.
I was poor, because I didn't have anything. But I was rich, because I had a dream.
Hey guys!

I'd need some ideas how to improve my build. I currently don't have enough currency to buy Level 3 Enlighten and can keep only Disc, PuF and Vitality up at the same time. Could you guys look at my PoB and help me what I should do?

I'm currently running T1-3 maps to be totally safe because my regen is only +89-ish. With Ruby Flask, it's around 500-600 only as well. Also, I can barely keep my resistances maxed.

Here is my PoB link: https://pastebin.com/HR8T9Y5T

I have got like 1-2Ex for the upgrading.

Thank you very much for the help!
Last edited by TheReshi on Oct 3, 2017, 6:02:12 AM
TheReshi wrote:
Hey guys!

I'd need some ideas how to improve my build. I currently don't have enough currency to buy Level 3 Enlighten and can keep only Disc, PuF and Vitality up at the same time. Could you guys look at my PoB and help me what I should do?

I'm currently running T1-3 maps to be totally safe because my regen is only +89-ish. With Ruby Flask, it's around 500-600 only as well. Also, I can barely keep my resistances maxed.

Here is my PoB link: https://pastebin.com/HR8T9Y5T

I have got like 1-2Ex for the upgrading.

Thank you very much for the help!

https://pastebin.com/bJ8up9yx - work on atleast 4-5linking your chest - use witchfire brew for curse and link up your scorching ray - put your rf in your helm with an extra link
(concentrated effect/increased area of effect)

i swapped your points around a bit, added an extra jewel socket, you should replace your 2 jewel sockets with 3 prop jewels, they'll cost around 5-10c each so its nothing and you gain SOOO much, can even help with resists.
Hi! Loving the speed of this build and the ease that it plays. Quick question though: it seems that EE is meant to work with Orb of Storms, because I don't see any other elemental damage on your equipment. Isn't it better to get an elemental roll on a ring so that EE is always active and not just when you take the time to stop and use Orb of Storms?
Can someone tell me why I am not able to keep my RF working. I seem to lose way to much es while it is active....
Can someone tell me why I am not able to keep my RF working. I seem to lose way to much es while it is active....

I'm still leveling up this build myself, so take my advice with a grain of salt but...

Looks like Purity of Fire is too low level and you are missing the regen nodes over in shadow, so that is 3% regen you don't have yet and 2% max res you are missing. You need a few more points to get the regen nodes and a 21 purity to stop degenning. A lvl 17 purity will give you +1% max res, so with that and a little more regen you should be able to stop the degen at least.

I think you are a little low level to be cutting over to RF already.

Maybe grab a shapers seed ammy to get 2% regen until you get the points over in shadow. If regrets are plentiful for you you could always pick up arsonist and barbarism for 1% max fire res and 1% more regen while you get the last few levels. Also a ruby flask for the extra max res will help some too, you should be able to keep that rolling pretty steady.

It might be best to try the ammy swap, ruby flask and lvl 17 purity first and see how that feels. You would still degen a bit without the flask up but it might be slow enough to feel a bit better.
Last edited by double_lushen on May 25, 2018, 6:50:08 AM
twolow wrote:

https://pastebin.com/bJ8up9yx - work on atleast 4-5linking your chest - use witchfire brew for curse and link up your scorching ray - put your rf in your helm with an extra link
(concentrated effect/increased area of effect)

i swapped your points around a bit, added an extra jewel socket, you should replace your 2 jewel sockets with 3 prop jewels, they'll cost around 5-10c each so its nothing and you gain SOOO much, can even help with resists.

How much do u think to do this build? (good enough to kill shaper/uber atziri)

I'm asking this because only in 2 jewels (Emperor's Mastery/Might) u have almost 30ex :'(

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