[3.5] Lioneye's Glare Ele Conversion Raider (all content, videos up)

What do you guys think is better lightpoacher with 1 abyssal socket and additional barrage projectile or the one with 2 abyss sockets and 40% barrage damage?
Last edited by RossPierrDol on Jan 31, 2018, 8:44:44 AM

thanks for your job.

Can you add a leveling three please?

This build can farm uberlab?I can start new league with this build? sorry for my eng)
Last edited by RamonDaKingf on Jan 31, 2018, 4:32:42 PM
This build can farm uberlab?I can start new league with this build? sorry for my eng)

I did actually few lab runs today to get a decent enchant on boots

This build can do Lab just fine but you'd need to remove vaal pact, add some life flasks maybe add arctic armour and Taste of Hate helps too vs Izaro slam.

Can you add a leveling three please?

Coming soon™

What do you guys think is better lightpoacher with 1 abyssal socket and additional barrage projectile or the one with 2 abyss sockets and 40% barrage damage?

I would go for 2socket just for extra life and more dps on TS too.

so basically now that i have the shroud there is no reason to go back to ashrend. correct?

My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
just saw some dude sell these boots unid'd 2 abyss sockets ingame chat for 90C.. did he just scam himself out of 49 exalts or can the boots roll something bad or something lol..
dmitriy138 wrote:
just saw some dude sell these boots unid'd 2 abyss sockets ingame chat for 90C.. did he just scam himself out of 49 exalts or can the boots roll something bad or something lol..
sounds like you scammed urself out of 48 exalts.. lol hard times.. 48 free exalts.. cant ask for anything better than that..
dmitriy138 wrote:
just saw some dude sell these boots unid'd 2 abyss sockets ingame chat for 90C.. did he just scam himself out of 49 exalts or can the boots roll something bad or something lol..

He didn't "scam himself". Just fell the victim of the garbage trading system that allows people to manipulate the market.

Best way to "play" the game atm is to have multiple accounts and scam noobies on expensive items that everyone who is lucky enough can get (like 2 soc abyss items).

My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
What kind gem's i can insert in 5l bow before i have 6l?
Last edited by arteandrs on Feb 3, 2018, 9:29:19 AM
arteandrs wrote:
What kind gem's i can insert in 5l bow before i have 6l?

if you have 5l on TS I would remove Pierce. But then you need to makes sure you have a source of pierce somewhere else. You can find pierce in a lot of stuff for example you can spec into this https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Piercing_Shots or use Poacher's Aim jewel.

My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
JessicaSc2 wrote:
if you have 5l on TS I would remove Pierce. But then you need to makes sure you have a source of pierce somewhere else. You can find pierce in a lot of stuff for example you can spec into this https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Piercing_Shots or use Poacher's Aim jewel.


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