Xbox One 3.0.1b Patch Notes

Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
Settlers veiled crafting all service all crafts mods
Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
can you fix totem aiming.....even with the monster highlighted my dark pact totem is placed way behind the monster.......makes it difficult against bosses.
The only feature I'd ask for is the ability to scroll through the loot that's on screen so you don't have to pick everything up
Now can fix the Lords Labyrinth instant death glitch? I've died 5 times now nothing is around me my health bar just drops...what is happening to this game? It was fine before the pathes now I cant play it
alter of ascendancy is bugged, not giving passives..add it to your list, Crash of Exile..although I did get to play it for 12 minutes today before it crashed..thx for the fix
Próxima atualização poderia unificar todos os trade market, digo as regiões, me parece que cada trade market esta estabelecido por região da livegold. Outra coisa seria vender somente item com preço, ofereceu o item exigido pelo vendedor e efetuado a troca automático, sem esperar resposta e confirmação.

E a ultima coisa e mais importante de todas, por favor GGG, melhore o sistema Hardcore, esta chegando em decadência!
Bad lag spikes on dc and au servers for xbox1 players. Please let me know something. Administrator Polarhippie. ps. Thank you.
Update download not start! :(
Play on X1X
Can you just make leap slam to jump in the direction and ignore the aiming and auto choosing closest mobs.

just make it which ever direction you looking if I leap it leaps half a screen or full screen as a default no-matter what's around.

most of escape skill should be like that defaulted to a range on Xbox

leave the aim for AOE skill and spell and all that but the escape skills are to long

by the time I press the skill and aim with analogue im already dead should not be called escape skill.

if you want to leave the rest of escape skill how they are don't really mind but for leap slam at least do that with joystick

ppl that have builds for leap to do damage they should go to PC.

I only can use either leap or teleport or dash if im using a staff which I'm. all of them are useless coz of this auto aim to closest mob u have 3 mobs around u teleporting on same place leap and dash how is that an escape skill.

if I can jump in the direction and ignore the mobs around then that Leap will become amazing coz now its useless.Its good to travel but once a mob is there its useless and it should allow me to ignore the mob and not stop on top of it.

Would be awesome if you could add a auto sort feature for bags, inventory. On Xbox it can be hours sometimes to sort using the controller.. Great work guys we love you!

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