[3.0] CWDT "Flickerpuke" ~48 Spells per sec, 12 spells per cast | With/Without Acuity | Facetank T16

Tested Cast on Curse with the above wands. 0.29 cast time, and it is AMAZING versus bosses. You get double the dps, and with the same setup, you can swap to terminus for clearing regular mobs. Very convenient.
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII
Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong)
Xymordos wrote:

Tested Cast on Curse with the above wands. 0.29 cast time, and it is AMAZING versus bosses. You get double the dps, and with the same setup, you can swap to terminus for clearing regular mobs. Very convenient.

Told you ;)
Honestly, i'm finding that a bow is another really nice option for this type of build. It provides the safety of distance, a possible 6-link and, more important, it opens up the offhand slot for some nice bonuses with the right quiver.

I've also modified the launched spell list with many projectile-based spells, so my AoE changed to a wide forward cone, but it's damage output is still quite high. At lv84 in tier 10 maps i pulverize any non boss enemy even if i'm in a party of 6 and DPSing alone

Oh, and i also tried to use only a 4 link for the attack, just to have a double 6 link for the cwdt... this one has been made possible with Explosive arrow and its high base mana cost.
i don't get this wand "cast on curse" thing against bosses
how do you sustain frenzy charges? you just swap terminus back or dont even use flicker? going almost afk and only using pots while taking damage?
Last edited by Dragoon_Diver on Oct 20, 2017, 8:46:25 AM
I didn't optimize the tree yet, but you ARE more likely to die when not using flicker. However, with curses it does way more damage due to using two wands (or a wand and shield). With current tree, you won't get frenzies when using the curse.

After testing, I preferred using terminus for regular mobs, and swapping to wands when I get to the boss. This was the fastest way to clear a map.

I didn't consider a bow since the bow itself doesn't provide any beneficial stats for the build. You can also use a staff as a great 6L, though you do lose a bit on the life.
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII
Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong)
oh yeah my bad didnt noticed you took off one cwdt from the helmet
tested too and it really kicks a punch eh?
Dragoon_Diver wrote:
oh yeah my bad didnt noticed you took off one cwdt from the helmet
tested too and it really kicks a punch eh?

Yeah :P It's really quite hilarious. But if you want to level and kill bosses safely the flicker strike way is better. Going curses makes you stand there casting which makes you quite a glass cannon. Running around loses you a lot of dps.
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII
Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong)
who cares about safety with this build :D
Dragoon_Diver wrote:
who cares about safety with this build :D

Ye :P Was able to kill Shaper with the curse version. Much much easier than flicker strike version. Though curse version dies a lot in maps and vs certain bosses.
Guild #YoloSwag <SWAG>
HSC: SwaglordYolomancerII
Time zone: GMT +8 (Hong Kong)
yup just killed shaper too, only died once for those yellow bullets, i say that is even easier to kill shaper than many other builds, and its possible to be deathless

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