[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link

This build has helped me so much, i started this league and had to delete my first char so happy i found this setup. Starting out has been rough, cant really complete my atlas right now but i'm having fun farming lower maps.

It sucks additantial arrow quiver are so expensive, that is all im really missing. Plus dying sun and that headhunter like jewel. Will this increase my char?
Why use wrath instead of hatred if we want to up the chance to shatter?
DeltaKaiser wrote:
Why use wrath instead of hatred if we want to up the chance to shatter?

The build deals next to no physical damage so Hatred will give next to no dps boost and you shatter almost every mob anyway so it's not needed.
What about using Fork Support instead of a Fork quiver?

Asking this cause a quiver like that is like 13 ex, I haven't got a 6L yet but when I did (on my Tabula) Mirage Support didn't feel that useful anyways. Would it be a good idea to just run Fork Support?

Furthermore, I started this league less than 2 days ago so I'm still on the very poor side. Got my QotF, Windripper, MF boots/gloves, Devoto, just basic stuff. Running 5L on both bow and chest.

Guess my first upgrade now would be Dying Sun, then the claw-node-converting-thing jewel and Inspired Learning afterwards? Currently having DPS problems against bosses and sometimes mobs can be rough (as in it takes 2~4 shots to kill them).

Got 2 relatively bad abyss jewels (like with 2 mid tier damage mods and life).

Build is super fun, just a bit worried about survivavility later on (running up to T7 maps atm) and cost of getting decent single target damage.

If you want to play this build im up to sell all my Gear/Gems and Jewels listed bellow pm me with offer

Hi. Thanks for guide.
Why you did not use Perandus Blazon? Iir from Rampage better than 3% iiq?
Do we not need the chance to freeze/shock near the primeval force node?

is enlighten necessary to be linked with grace? I don't see much difference with and without. I also don't have wrath since I don't have enough int.

My barrage sometimes completely misses the target even when i'm next to them, where do you aim the mouse pointer with this skill?
Baldry wrote:
How does he get 30% spell dogde and 40% hit dogde while not taking phase acrobatics and the 3 points befor that?

you can see on his screanshoots he got that but in the tree he didn't
Loving this build so far, level 88 at the moment and comfortably doing tier 9-10 maps.

I prefer lightning arrow over tornado shot so just got a devotos with 'lightning arrow hits 2 more enemies' enchant, im guessing by hits it means the lightning effect that goes through a pack of enemies???

I got problem about my damage (Total DPS: 27k POB) when farming T8 Burial and so slow for clear room ( Alva ). I need help for this.

Hey yo!
Last edited by cenleegame01 on Jul 11, 2018, 1:58:25 AM

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