[3.3] MF Windripper Deadeye | TS and Barrage | PoB Link

I don't see it in FAQ but how you manage with intelligence?
I have to use a Fertile mind gem to handle with it or I am so under intel for everything

Thanks for reply and for the build.
I was following this build 2065431 but I am changing with yours cause you explain much more items you can use and I think it's more logic for different things.

Edit : Precising mf build that is with mf build so nothing provide intelligence from stuff
I lack 58 intelligence without the Ferile mind and wrath is not even lvl20
Last edited by wykett on Apr 8, 2018, 5:13:07 AM
Last edited by etherealflamezxc on Nov 15, 2019, 11:23:25 AM
Hi, first time doing a MF build, playing in standard and for now I'm just droping chaos recipe, white sextant, chisel, should I buy the item quantity gem?
btw I'm farming burial chambers
What would you put in the 5L Windripper? Could someone please help me as this is my first time playing a bow class like this
Im doing alot of Blood Aqueduct...
And only have a 5Linked Queen..

Whats best gems to go fast n kill...
TS -eleDmg- gmp - ice bite - mirage archer ?
What would you put in the 5L Windripper? Could someone please help me as this is my first time playing a bow class like this

thyraa wrote:
Im doing alot of Blood Aqueduct...
And only have a 5Linked Queen..

Whats best gems to go fast n kill...
TS -eleDmg- gmp - ice bite - mirage archer ?

im using TS-GMP-eleDMG-icebite-addedcold for 5L
for 6L i added faster attacks, didnt find the mirage archer to be usefull for me.
if you can manage to get the INT, go for ele focus as it gives alot of DPS.
ele focus can be used instead of faster attacks or ele dmg.

TS-GMP-eleDMG-icebite-addedcold-elefocus gives the highest DPS according to POB.
i just like the faster attacks better because it feels snappier and more responsive for me.
but i might switch to ele focus in the future.
First time I play a MF and bow character and im kinda lost.

I know that im not supposed to destroy everything with MF, but with the gear and investment done all ready I was expecting something more.

could any one help me with what to change?
I know that my jewels are not the best but im quite far from the point that farming with MF right now is worth it if the tanks and bosses tank me.

Also, is there anything better for single target than tornado shot?
[3.3] Windripper Deadeye

[3.3] VoidForge Crit Champion
Last edited by kanon1 on Apr 8, 2018, 4:04:31 PM
I've seen a couple builds using wrath in the setup. That requires alot of int which is troublesome to get. Could hatred be a replacement?

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