[3.5] Soul Mantle Dark Pact Totems - League Starter - All Content

Vakturion wrote:
When you feel like you need more damage. Mostly on (map) bosses.
Is there anything that the scion does better (apart from the 100% curse reduction) than Templar?
How does it feel running a whole bunch of curses at 20%, I haven't been able to find any videos of it yet. Just worried it'll feel slow from temp chains and weak I guess.
Templar in general has more power due to placement speed, regen and damage (Power Charges).

Scion has more skillpoints available and is more flexible in terms of ascendancies. You can get (slayer) leech, taunting totems, etc.
With the new pathfinder ascendancy it should also be possible to have a 100% uptime on warding flasks, so you could play the build without the rings.

Temporal Chains actually does nothing to you because the curse itself has 40% reduced effectiveness against players (which puts you at -120% effectiveness).

Here's what the rest of the curses do:
Milkyslice wrote:
Poachers Mark: 9.8% less evasion, life/mana gained on hit and frenzy on kill are meaningless

Projectile Weakness: 10% knockback from Projectiles, Projectiles deal 8.8% more damage

Temporal Chains: should have no effect with its 40% reduced effect on players. If it still has an effect its a 5.8% slow

Assassins Mark: 1,8% critchance, 4% critmulti

Conductivity: 8,8% lightning resistance, 2.8% chance to shock by lightning dmg

Elemental Weakness: 7,8% elemental resistances

Enfeeble: 5% reduced critchance, 6% less damage

Flammability: 8,8% Fire resistance, 2.8% chance to be ignited by fire dmg

Frostbite: 8,8% Cold resistance, 2.8% chance to be Frozen by cold dmg

Vulnerability: 5,8% more physical damage taken, 4% chance to bleed/maim, 5,4% more dot phys dmg taken

Punishment: we dont attack and don´t apply the "punisher" buff. Should have no effect.

Warlords mark: 6% reduced stun and block recovery, 0,4% leech and 2% chance to be stunned

Numbers are rounded UP in the game
(He's actually wrong here, numbers are rounded down)
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Last edited by SHEPUUURD on Mar 12, 2018, 9:46:03 AM
How do i deal with maps where i can't regen any life or mana?
mrflamee wrote:
How do i deal with maps where i can't regen any life or mana?

That's the only map mod that actually affect us.

You can either skip it, re-roll it, ask a friend to carry you or if you have the patience, replace 1 or two of your flasks with mana flasks (I run without one) and play really slowly. The boss is the most difficult part, specially if it doesn't spawn many adds but you can always tp out.

tl;dr Difficult but not impossible to do
This character is great and I am having tons of fun with it. I can do all map mods, I can run uber lab, I killed corrupted 8-mod Hydra. I also killed red-tier Elder completely blind to the fight and only died because I didn't know I need to get close to Zana. This is now my highest leveled character ever (level 92), thanks for the guide, it's fantastic!
Thx for guide 157/157 Maps complete :) Easy to play !
mrflamee wrote:
How do i deal with maps where i can't regen any life or mana?

Lavianga flask is really nice.
Hi dude, Im doing your build atm I really like it, Im starting Atlas its ez pz. But I have a question, does the attack speed on weapon increase the totem attack speed ?
btw you people should try Eldritch Knowledge its really good working imo if you can put in a good jewel socket like the one on the top of the tree
Last edited by Nizyrit on Mar 15, 2018, 11:34:26 AM
Nizyrit wrote:
Hi dude, Im doing your build atm I really like it, Im starting Atlas its ez pz. But I have a question, does the attack speed on weapon increase the totem attack speed ?
btw you people should try Eldritch Knowledge its really good working imo if you can put in a good jewel socket like the one on the top of the tree

Hi there,

Attack speed only applies to our Shield Charge in this build...
As Dark pact is a Spell, Cast Speed is what you need for your totems to "attack" faster.

Eldritch Knowledge could be an option if your budget is tight. The Witch socket has, if I counted correctly only 110 Int giving you 55% increased chaos damage (ONLY when all the int nodes are allocated).

On the other hand you could get a Clear Mind jewel (as we dont reserve any mana) and save several skill points.
Ok thanks. And what do you think about the Thief's Torment ? Could be worth it ? lot of res and curse reduction
Last edited by Nizyrit on Mar 16, 2018, 2:59:46 AM
Nizyrit wrote:
Ok thanks. And what do you think about the Thief's Torment ? Could be worth it ? lot of res and curse reduction
It would be really good if you could use two of it.
On it's own, it's not good enough for this build.

"Can't use other rings" also means you cannot equip it twice.
Builds and Guides:
Last edited by SHEPUUURD on Mar 16, 2018, 6:46:56 AM

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