[3.25]💥Lahkesis Queen of Chaos"Essence Drain/Bane"[LowLife] 💥💥

I meant the one especially for leveling because it has nothing to do with other trees ed. bane/ ed. contag . Also as I said, is the mirror-tier build an example of the best you should use? Sorry for these questions, I just don't know how I am supposed to get those items and for what should I go first in the skill tree.
Last edited by xmasbby78 on Jan 23, 2021, 8:38:35 AM
Hey, could you look at this and tell me what I'm doing wrong? I have damage to do t16 maps and I was able to get Sirius down to 40% but everything kills me in 1 hit. I have 6,47k es and it doesn't seem to be enough. I tried to run w/ spider and without Clarity. Mana regen's fine but it doesnt' boost survivability. Build was really good at t12- maps but it doesn't work for me at t14+. I tried to boost survivability by getting more ES instead of int and "Resoursefulness" instead of pure dex&int but it doesn't work as well. I have totally no idea what to do. It's annoying af when single Sirius' minion kills you with 1 hit on t15 map.

Last edited by azuz22 on Jan 28, 2021, 11:36:03 PM
I have a simple question and hopefully someone can answer.

I notice on the PoB you have gear listed, and on the helmet is that unique helm that gives socketed curse Blasphemy by default yeah?

On the gem setup it has Blasphemy as an actual gem being used as well but I am unsure why. Even with mana reserve nodes I don't see how you can sustain with having Blasphemy Curse from helm, Blasphemy Curse gem links, AND Malevolence all at the same time.

What am I missing? Do you actually get enough mana reserve reduction from the tree and that helm to sustain the giant burst of mana usage via both Contagion and Essence Drain?

To me it looks like it's not enough so I'm going to assume you have the Blasphemy gem setup on standby incase you need it for emergencies via switchout or something.

Can you explain, or anyone, what I'm missing?
GGG gives me Diablo 2 Teleport? I give them 50 bucks. No questions asked.
Last edited by darticus on Feb 4, 2021, 3:49:45 AM
I dunno if I'm missing the big brain play here, or if these are just mistakes on your 3.13 Life-based PoB?

4 points here for 2 routes instead of the 1 point to connect in the middle, I'm assuming the dex/str nodes aren't required.

Similar here, 2 points for 4% Reduced Mana Reserved, when you path past a jewel node in the first pic at the top that you could roll the same mod on + 2 others. 6% Non-Curse effect doesn't seem valuable.

Just a heads up if these aren't intended, and curiosity if they are.
So I play something similar, just using Soulrend, it feels good + one button play.
I decided to get more max resists, so have 80 all and 79 chaos. Went with 3 endurance charges, but thought to, maybe, go for 5. Took ailment circle, near mom, to not feel so bad, at least ignites. I also went extra mile to get 2 golems, one for regen, one for phys reduction, then stretched that dex to put on Perfect Form, for arctic armour.......

Basically, I am one shot mostly, none of those matter or have any feel of any defenses at all...WTF.

So am I missing something or all of that is wasted and I should simply get as much life, as I can, maybe it will allow me to survive those one shots at least on occasion ...? So confused and frustrated, thought it's going to be at least somewhat decent, but like 0, none, nada, nilch, zeronimo...

Last edited by ShoveMoneyDeeper on Feb 15, 2021, 8:42:47 AM
should i use the gems of the post or of the pob? I'm doing the LL build
What are the differences between the wand/shield and bow LL builds? pob shows the wand build at 2x the dps of the bow one? also in the introduction of the build you mention the life version using eldrich battery to help with mana sustain but it's not on the pob so how much of an issue is mana actually
Last edited by Ramasama on Feb 18, 2021, 1:37:40 AM
So I just regret when I get to what level? When should I switch into the late game Pob
Last edited by undeadhuey on Feb 20, 2021, 10:54:59 AM

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