[3.3] How to Smash Heads. Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker edition.

hi i recently started playing this build (changed the skill tree a little taking more life nodes cuz i wanted hit 6k+ life, dropping a bit block nodes) currently at level 80 and got all the neccessary items they are not perfect but they are decent,i can use and improve few jewels, but my damage is not that good in PoB i get around 130k dmg, can u look pls at my character and give me advice on how to improve my gears, planning to play this build at league start most probably as chieftrain to farm uber so im trying to learn this build
130k per totem (or 390k total) without conc. effect seems fine to me and more than enough to clear all of the PoE's content.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG on Feb 22, 2018, 2:15:01 PM
Just wanted to say thanks.
Tried the game before, left it at lvl11 because I thought it's not for me than later my friend told me about this build and while I still lack items and spent a few points on the wrong way this build made me like this game and well.. just thank you for the time and everything.
Thanks man! I really appreciate the kind words and i'm happy that i contributed to you liking PoE :)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Nevermind. Answered my own question. :)
Last edited by Moonbeat on Mar 4, 2018, 8:07:58 PM
UPDATE to 3,2 ?

codename0 wrote:
UPDATE to 3,2 ?
Last edited by 555agasy555 on Mar 14, 2018, 10:16:11 PM
Well it is basically the same build. No real changes in 3.2. I'd say that now going with chieftain is even more beneficial than before (and in my opinion it was still the best option prior 3.2). Another thing that's worth mentioning is the new Loreweave chest which i'd say is the best in slot for this build. Try to get 50+ life, 80% resists and close to max flat physical damage rolls on it. With that chest your life pool will be a bit lower (from ~7500 to ~7000 life in my case) but the huge damage boost and the invaluable +5% to your max res more than makes up for that.

Pretty much that's all.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Which would you say is more End Game (Bosses) viable? The Chief or the Zerk? Def vs Offense? And what's your thoughts on Hiero and his 4-5 totem possibility? (Although he seems to be more spell oriented totems)

Also, was curious, how do Facebreaker AW's compete with 2H AW's, such as starforge or disfavour? Always been curious about that.

Last edited by WhiteDar on Mar 18, 2018, 11:40:13 AM
3.2, You have to change 'Crave the Slaughter'
It does not work with totems

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