[3.3] How to Smash Heads. Ancestral Warchief Facebreaker edition.

In the cases when an orb spawns during the bubble phase you can activate it just in the edge of the bubble and that leaves you a small puddle-free area inside the bubble. Also the puddles are not insta-death sources so what i personally do is to stack them in one place thus giving me more room to move around.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I refined my gear a bit, switched to berserker to up my DPS and Shaper down with only 2 deaths!
Thinking about this one for my starter build in the upcoming Abyss HC league. It looks great

I might have missed them but are there any leveling trees? :) Would be greatly appreciated
Just opened this up in PoB after getting a majority of the gear required for general Facebreaker AW builds for a couple exalts, then I see how underwhelming this particular build is.
260k Shaper DPS with Abyssus (!) and all the rare jewellery+boots being 6T1 above mirror tier Best-In-Slot mods. What an absolutely joke, implying that you can get 2 Steel Rings with T1 Phys Damage, T1 Life, T1 Double Res, T1 Int all for some measely 260k Shaper DPS is ridiculous.

Suffice to say there are definitely better Facebreaker AW builds out there.

Check at the end of the Passive skill tree section.

To each his own. My gear is here, the videos are here, my personal stats are here. No one is implying that you need any of the perfectly rolled gear . And where did you get the 260k vs Shaper ? As i get 204k ... per totem (408k for all ) perhaps you forgot to swap in conc effect?... and that's with lioneye's remorse not included tukohama ... which ramps up the damage further (172k per totem for a total of 516k)... and of course i did not include things like shocked status (via vaal lightning trap), melee damage on full life (which is not up 100% of a fight yet does wonders for your PoB sheet DPS) and so on (hell even vulnerability is not switched on!).

Oh well that's what i get for adding PoB links... people jump to them without even trying to read anything else (and in your case... kind of fail to even interpret the linked PoB build correctly).

And since you are a really big fan of PoB paper DAMAGE !!1!11! .... here have a screenshot - same build - conc. effect swapped in, vulnerability up, lion's roar flask added, damage on full life swapped instead of maim (because everyone knows that in a Shaper fight a character is always at full life!), shocked ailment up via vaal lightning trap (becuase shaper never moves out of it ... never!), vaal haste up (because it always last until the Shaper is dead!), removed hatred and HoA and added Tukohama for that sweet third totem and here you go enjoy your 1177718.4 (1.1 mil) PoB paper DAMAGE !!1!11!:


In any case i wish you best of luck! May you have lots of fun, good item drops, many exalts and no DD deaths with a build of your choosing in PoE!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG on Dec 4, 2017, 11:30:07 AM
"Without reading" sure man, I'll give you the conc effect gem switch, however that 200k per totem is still reached with both ToH and Lion's Roar active(cause that's sustainable in boss fights) with mirror'd gear, 4 GG jewels. Not sure why you brought up that ridiculous example with shaper being shocked/maimed and whatever.

All I'm saying for people looking at this build, recognise that this is an abyssus build with absolutely ridiculous gear which provides underwhelming damage (with or without Tukohama's) given the investment.

I'm out, PSA over and all that jazz
Actually it's without Lion's Roar but with Atizri's Promise, feel free to use worse gear in PoB... for example ... you know the one that i have in harbinger .. the one linked in the guide .. .and you'll find out that the results are pretty much the same without GG mirrored gear... i don't know man ... the provided video in my opinion is indicative enough for exactly what the build does in that fight (and btw no damage buffing flasks where used in the video). If ~400k (462k with lion's roar) shaper dps with more than enough survivability with my very far from perfect gear is underwhelming for you ... then i'll be happy to hear what a non-underwhelming numbers would be in your opinion ... perhaps give me an example and whatnot.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG on Dec 4, 2017, 3:49:47 PM
Nice guide, definitely prefer Chieftain over Zerker.
Planning to go with this build for the Abyss league (Chieftain).

Any recommended changes for 3.1?
So far i see no changes that affect this build. It is possible that some of the new gear (unqiue/shaper/elder items) might fit well ... but that's about it.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

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