[3.4] Shams Juggernaut 2h Mace Sunder , Uber Lab / Guardians - League Starter

Hi Sham,

Thanks for the great guide.
Im lvl 71 and have a question about when to pickup Vaal Pact.
Is it in the final face of the build (closer to lvl 100) or how do you see the progress from around my level and towards lvl 100 ?

Hello m8,

I do it like this,

At your level you start doing maps i always aim for 4.5-5k life and vaal pact before i go to maps.So you need to work on both these goals at the same time.

Btw you got strong arm skill in tree, that is a one handed skill.

Gl and have fun sham

Last edited by Doomshamino on Aug 11, 2017, 7:12:37 AM
Thanks Sham,

Yes i know :( i started on a 1H Sunder, and changed to yours, but cannot untrain these nodes.
My problem with Vaal pact is that its Sooo far away in the tree, that it will take me 20+ levels to reach it :S
EDIT: i think i can respec the 1H nodes anyway, so i can get some of them back
Last edited by clogman on Aug 11, 2017, 7:24:11 AM
Sham, is Coronal Maul final weapon in this build or there are selection? Will be some unique mace effective or not? As i asked before, will Kongor's Undying Rage be effective with this build(if i will get crit chance on items)?
What about ascend points?
go berserker then what?
Sham, is Coronal Maul final weapon in this build or there are selection? Will be some unique mace effective or not? As i asked before, will Kongor's Undying Rage be effective with this build(if i will get crit chance on items)?

Yes the coronal maul is best for this build.

The problem with kongor's is your crit does not do damage.
So you only get the onslaught from it, Kongor's is most of the time used in elemental builds +elemental overload skill.This is a physical build.

Btw i'm working atm on a crit build, with only minor changes from this one and i got 300k dps atm.

In this and 1-2 weeks it will be ready.

Gl sham

What about ascend points?
go berserker then what?

1.Pain Reaver
2.Crave the Slaughter
3.Aspect of Carnage
4.cloaked in Savagery

What is the sunder gem setup on 5 link please?
Sunder-Con effect-Melee Phys-Added fire-Multistrike

Added Crafting Physical 2 Handed Weapons Guide Video

Thanks, iam enjoying alot playing it.

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