[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

Finally getting somewhere good with my acc :)

zeroagainst wrote:
can anyone help me out with my gear i made profile public

Let's see.

- fortify on your 5l chest?
- no arcane surge support?
- cwdt level too high for me imo
- leap slam way too clunky without aspd, use flame dash instead or wep swap setup to either dagger/shield for whirling blades or shield charge both with fortify
- continue to level gems

- better life rolls on rings
- + elemental damage to attacks on rings wasted, Frostbolt is a spell not an attack
- better life roll on amu
- better resists on belt
- better life roll on your boots
- Quality and upgrade your life/mana flasks and get utility flasks (silver/quicksilver/diamond/basalt)
- Your fine with your uniques. Improve above first before gunning for 6L.

- looks like you're following the suggested tree so that's that

"Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition is followed by madness." - The Shaper
Last edited by haxers on Aug 30, 2017, 12:18:15 AM
haxers wrote:
zeroagainst wrote:
can anyone help me out with my gear i made profile public

Let's see.

- fortify on your 5l chest?
- no arcane surge support?
- cwdt level too high for me imo
- leap slam way too clunky without aspd, use flame dash instead or wep swap setup to either dagger/shield for whirling blades or shield charge both with fortify
- continue to level gems

- better life rolls on rings
- + elemental damage to attacks on rings wasted, Frostbolt is a spell not an attack
- better life roll on amu
- better resists on belt
- better life roll on your boots
- Quality and upgrade your life/mana flasks and get utility flasks (silver/quicksilver/diamond/basalt)
- Your fine with your uniques. Improve above first before gunning for 6L.

- looks like you're following the suggested tree so that's that

okay thank you im only using these gems to lv them i cant get arcane and flame dash atm do to my helmet not having blues once i get the prisms and jewels to do it all add them in
Thx Nice

I have a stupid question.
Is it viable droping the weapon for facebreaker gauntlets and try to combine gems in another way?

Hi I am currently trying to gear myself up for this build.

May I know if the current gem setup is still the best around? Have seen quite a number of individuals with different gem setup. Thanks!

Damage setup:

- Frostbolt, Spell Totem, Faster Casting, Controlled Destruction, Cold Penetration (5-link) & Increased Critical Strikes (6-link).

Note: Once you get The Pandemonius you are better off using Hypothermia instead of Cold Penetration.

Note: A regular 5-link 2+ cold staff is better than a 4-link Taryn's and a 2+ 6-link staff is better than a 5-link Taryn's. The only time a Taryn's staff is better if you can get it 6-linked.

Defensive Setup:

- Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 9), Immortal Call (lvl 10), Flame Golem (lvl 10) & Increased Duration (max lvl)

Mobility, Damage & Regen:

- Flamedash, Faster Casting, Arcane Surge & Increased Duration

Note: Make sure to NOT level Arcane Surge any higher than the amount of mana you can realistically spend for it to proc. It is better to leave it a low level and have it proc reliably than the other way around.


- Orb of Storms, Power Charge on Crit, Increased Critical Strikes, Clarity.

Note: This setup is used to help maintain power charges against bosses. It is not necessary for mapping. Clarity should always be on.

Curse & Vaal Skills:

- 2x Vaal Haste, Projectile Weakness & Increased Duration.
Zephyrex wrote:
Hi I am currently trying to gear myself up for this build.

May I know if the current gem setup is still the best around? Have seen quite a number of individuals with different gem setup. Thanks!


Im using in mostly the same gems but in different combination. I added Vaal lightning trap for extra 15% dmg for large groups, and 1 empower in the helm to reach higher ProjW lvl.

Not using clarity and I use Clear Mind Jew for extra dmg.

Check my profile.

Ignore the empower in the gloves and the ice bite in the chest (im lvl those gem)

Im searching an alternative defensive gem to my gloves what synergize with proc the dmg taken support. I use a higher lvl golem for the plus dmg.

Its working for me.

Last edited by an4x15 on Aug 30, 2017, 11:56:18 AM
Replying myself:


I have a stupid question.
Is it viable droping the weapon for facebreaker gauntlets and try to combine gems in another way?


Off course it's stupid as facebreaker add physical damage :)

If you have questions please, visit me at my Twitch Live Stream:


For more Path of Exile Guides, Builds etc, please visit my YouTube:




1. Gameplay and video guide here:

2. I do not reply to private messages, if you have any questions please post them in this thread or visit me at twitch (link above).

3. This build was inspired by TheElementalist's 2.6 Frostbolt totem guide. I have merely added my own personal preferences. You can find his guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1876139

4. PoB Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/3hU6By9U


Strengths and Weaknesses of the build


- Beginner and new league "friendly" - the build is somewhat simple in design and easy to understand.

- Great clear speed all the way up to tier 16 maps.

- Cheap, no unique items are required, except for 2x Frozen Trail jewels.

- Viable for both hardcore and softcore gameplay!


- I do not recommend this build if you want to farm bosses. The single target damage simply isn't there. That said I have killed all the guardians, except the hydra with this build, but it was rather painful and slow.

- Your totems will destroy themselves on elemental reflect maps.


Gem Setup:

Damage setup:

- Frostbolt, Spell Totem, Faster Casting, Controlled Destruction, Cold Penetration (5-link) & Increased Critical Strikes (6-link).

Note: Once you get The Pandemonius you are better off using Hypothermia instead of Cold Penetration.

Note: A regular 5-link 2+ cold staff is better than a 4-link Taryn's and a 2+ 6-link staff is better than a 5-link Taryn's. The only time a Taryn's staff is better if you can get it 6-linked.

Defensive Setup:

- Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 9), Immortal Call (lvl 10), Flame Golem (lvl 10) & Increased Duration (max lvl)

Mobility, Damage & Regen:

- Flamedash, Faster Casting, Arcane Surge & Increased Duration

Note: Make sure to NOT level Arcane Surge any higher than the amount of mana you can realistically spend for it to proc. It is better to leave it a low level and have it proc reliably than the other way around.


- Orb of Storms, Power Charge on Crit, Increased Critical Strikes, Clarity.

Note: This setup is used to help maintain power charges against bosses. It is not necessary for mapping. Clarity should always be on.

Curse & Vaal Skills:

- 2x Vaal Haste, Projectile Weakness & Increased Duration.


Skill-trees & Ascendancy classes:

Ascendancy Class: The Hierophant

Ascendancy Points: Divine Guidance --> Pursuit of Faith --> Ritual of Awakening --> Conviction of Power.

Note: If you prefer offense over defense, I'd recommend picking up Ritual of Awakening as your first priority. Just keep in mind that casting 4 totems is very mana intesensive.

Note: That if you at any point need more dexterity, simply pick up the 30+ notables in the skill-tree and spec out of them later when you are able to cover these requirements via gear.

Leveling Tips:

1. Use Freezing Pulse* + Flame Totem* (but remember to level Frostbolt), until you can socket your first Frozen Trail jewel into the tree, from there start using Frostbolt and pick up Ancestral Bond.

* For leveling link Freezing Pulse with Added Cold and Added Lightning. Swap out Added Lightning for Controlled Destruction later.

* Flame Totem links: Flame Totem, Added Lightning, Added Cold. Swap out Added Cold for Controlled Destruction later.

Note: remember, once you pick up Ancestral Bond you can no longer deal damage with skills directly cast from your character. You will have to rely on your totems from there on.

2. Prioritize getting your 2'nd Frozen Trail jewel socketed (but only if you can afford it or already have it. If not spend points on more damage/life.)

3. Level 28+ Get a 4-link for your Frostbolt setup.

4. Level 40+ try getting yourself a cheap 5-linked staff for your Frostbolt setup. This makes a big difference in damage.

5. level 70+ start saving up for a 6-linked staff. (If you can afford a 6-linked Taryn's Shiver go for that)

6. Try to get someone to boost you in uberlab. The single target simply isn't there, unless you have really good gear already.

How to get a 6-linked staff:

- Check for cheap 6-linked staves on poe.trade OR

- Farm or purchase 6 The Dark Mage divination cards.

Optional, but powerful leveling unique's:

- 2x Lifesprig
- Wanderlust
- Goldrim

Alternatively, if you cannot afford these, then try the following method:

- Crafting a 1+ to cold gems wand/sceptre in the beginner adds some nice damage while leveling. You can do that by getting a blue (magic) wand/sceptre, saphire ring and an orb of alteration. By trading/selling this to the vendor he will in return give you back a weapon with +1 to cold gems. If you want a 1+ for your flame totem you simply need to change out the saphire ring for a ruby ring.

Bandit Quest:

- Help Alira for some sweet mana regen, crit multiplier and 15% too all elemental resistances.


Gearing and stat priorities:

Defensive affixes, in priority:

1. Life
2. Elemental Resistances (75% on Merciless)
3. Armor

Offensive affixes, in priority:

1. Spell/Cold/Elemental Damage
2. Cast Speed
3. Critical Strike Chance
4. Critical Strike Multiplier

Note: depending on your crit chance, "Critical Strike Multiplier" eventually becomes the best way of scaling the damage.

My Current Gear:

Note: please ignore the currently socketed gems in the gear, refer to the "Gem Setups" section for accurate information.


- Inc. Maximum life
- Inc. Spell/Elemental/Cold/Totem Damage
- Inc. Cast Speed
- Inc. Critical Strike Chance
- Inc. Critical Strike Multiplier


- 1x Seething Divine Life Flasks of Staunching
- 1x Seething Sanctified Mana Flask of Grounding
- 1x Surgeon's Basalt Flask
- 1x Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Warding
- 1x Surgeon's Quicksilver Flask of Heat

Note: Once you get a Rumi's Concoction Flask you should use that instead of the basalt flask.


Required unique items:

Jewel's: 2x Frozen Trail


Recommended unique items:

Weapon: Taryn's Shiver


Chest Armor: Belly of the Beast


Gloves: Wind's of Change


Amulet: The Pandemonius


Flask: Rumi's Concoction



Don't forget to check out the video


Hi. While I know you say this will not be great for bosses will it still be very good at clearing rare and unique spawns in T1-T10 maps? I'm totally new to the game and have no way to trade due to being on console and I'm curious how this would hold for me to solo the first 3 labs to get some of my ascendancy going. I'm ok to wait on final lab for a while as I have friends who can help eventually but I need to know I can clear maps solo including the named guys that spawn.

I made my first ever character last week and managed to farm a tabula for levelling and I also picked up the frozen trails already and have a 5 linked staff.

Basically when it comes to budget I'm broke but this build looks really fun and I'm about ready to buy the mtx for this too. Any info on if I can do as I asked would be greatly appreciated. Very happy to see a guide that doesn't require lots of uniques as even though people say they are budget friendly that's a totally different story on console where basic items costing 1-2 chaos on pc are 40-100 chaos on console.

Thanks again
Can someone explain me, why Taryns Shiver is so strong ?

is the 20% increased against freezed calculated seperated like a more modifier or why it is so strong ?

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