[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

Just started leveling this Build.

One Question: Im looking into a Curse on Hit Setup with Frostbite.
Would something like Stormbrand (Frostbomb oder Orb of Storms)- CoH - Frostbite - Inc AOE work?

Thank you for your answers :)
Any good Aura for this build?
juju666 wrote:
Have some questions. Yes i am still a noob (~250h played) and aiming for lvl 100

1. In guide its says armor needs only 4link and gloves 3link. Why not max link? Is it bad to have more gems linked or whats is case. Would i benefit somehow with more gems linked in armor/gloves?

2. I have 5totems (while using multiple totem support) what is case in this when guide says 4is max :D

3. What would you change in my build? My skills etc are all same than in guide. Some of the gems are too high lvl but i always somehow end misclick upgrading them...

4. Why have people not mentioned Breathstealer for gloves when it seems absolutely insane with annoint on?

5. What would be absolutely best annoints

6. Would there be better choices for armor?

Damage is insane when clearing any red maps, except for bosses its not the best but still not bad. Maybe with future upgrades i should focus more on things that keeps me alive than damage :D

For sure next step is to upgrade: max gems/rings/boots/jewels/maybe belt

Wish the guide were 'really' up to date. Its insane fun build ;)

any tips welcome thanks!

still no answer :(
still no answer :([/quote]

There most likely won't be many answers. Took this build up to the 6L Taryn's/Pand as I always wanted to try this build for fun.

Like many are starting to say, very fun build, but this league it is outclassed badly by some of the other skills that got buffed.
for improving damage i suggest using Loreweave Elegant Ringmail insted of belly of the beast if you are tank enough. you will lose like 400 armour and hp but you will get near 300 energy shild (depends on stats you get) if you get perfect stats of lorewave you will have 60% crit chance and 50% cold damage (elemental dmg) and u can get up to 50 max hp
also shamanstic fury in pasive tree will give 30% totem dmg and 15% totem placement speed i suggest get it if you have points to spare since it wasn't mentioned on pastbin you might missed it
Last edited by hosein_wolf on Sep 27, 2019, 6:39:53 PM
hosein_wolf wrote:
for improving damage i suggest using Loreweave Elegant Ringmail insted of belly of the beast

Thanks alot for this suggestion will get one in my hands :)

I should probably ask this question on noob forum but why only 4link on armor and 3link gloves? Are there no gems that will give any use or why?

So far lvl 95½ and all maps done solo (no uber eld yet) with same skill tree and clear speed is insane on red maps. Only thing that gets dangerous is some bosses.

Also done every tier blight maps and its stupid good for that (even without that corpse explose armor) Delving is a joke too at 150depth

This is my second poe char so every tips are welcome since guide is not ''endgame updated'' :)
juju666 wrote:

I should probably ask this question on noob forum but why only 4link on armor and 3link gloves? Are there no gems that will give any use or why?

well i dont use frostbomb for my gloves so dont have experince about it however frostbite curse is good it will reduce enemy cold resistance near -44 so they will take more dmg . and if you use arcane surge sup it will grant you arcane surge buff which gives 20% spell dmg and cast speed after reaching mana threshold (after useing near 400 mana) so you using frostbite to curse and get arcane surge buff vaal righteous fire wont work with frostbite but it will also grant up to 28% spell damage when you use it and incresed duration will increase duration of acrane surge buff and frostbite curse and vaal rights fires effect if you want use more than 4 link you can add Increased Area of Effect Support so you will get bigger righteous fire and curse radius at the cost of more mana you can also use Blasphemy Support to convert the curse to an aura but arcane surge wont work that way
at the end of this page https://poedb.tw/us/gem.php?n=Frostbite
you can see which supports work with frostbite
and here for vaal righteous fire https://poedb.tw/us/gem.php?n=Vaal+Righteous+Fire

For rings, what do you guys think about the following?

Circle of Fear (with herald of ice skill)


Mark of Elder + Mark of Shaper

Eyh its me Alfen!=D Could you make a suggesten for like Highly end game items? for those who got alot of currency and stufF? =) that would be awesome. so we can se what we should go for after aquiring those unique items u suggested. (there probebly is items alot better than those unique)

Any suggestions for an anointment for the amulet?

Thank you

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