Spelling mistakes and typos

veghgfry wrote:
Typo on "Energised Armour Crimson Jewel", spelling should be "Energized" unless it was on purpose.
"Energised" is the correct spelling. PoE uses New Zealand English.
The Melee Splash Support Gem talks about

(credits to http://steamcommunity.com/app/238960/discussions/0/1479857071246995314/ )
Russian localization bug.
It says there is 47% regen, but it's 0.8% actually.

Errors like this need to go into the proper forum Bbanana. Scroll up a couple of posts to my last one on where to put yours.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
I changed language to Spanish to read all npc dialogue and after i fought with kitava in act 5 I found this '' translator message'' inside npc dialogue ,

I hope somebody fix it , the ''translator'' put something like '' i dont like this npc text XD '', please delete that unsense text.

Defense is misspelled as Defence in several places in the game, such as skills, and some of the items in the Passive Skill Tree.
Gawdlysauce wrote:
Defense is misspelled as Defence in several places in the game, such as skills, and some of the items in the Passive Skill Tree.

Defence. You only just noticed that? :P
This is on the PoE trade site. The belt mod "reduced flask charges used" is severely bugged. The mod is listed as "(explicit) #% increased flask charges used" instead. If you search for that property you get reduced charges used, but if you sort by magnitude it defaults to listing the lower (and therefore worse) mod first. You need to sort by the reverse of the desired order to get what you're actually looking for.

Should Be "into the wilds" When Eramir is talking about Silk in Act 7
Be the hope of humanity
Cast on Melee Kill Support not working
Tested on Cyclone as killing
Cast on Melee Kill Support + Volatile dead

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