<EMPIRE> RECRUITING FOR NEW LEAGUE (200+ Active Members, 55+ Stash Tabs) + Discord

Account Name:biwi1
Character Name:Lithningsabo
Highest Level:98
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:11/2013
Country/Time Zone:Austria
Average Hours Played Per Week:10
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):league only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active):7
Account Name: Rjvmu
Character Name: Ultimatum_Dr_Uzu
Highest Level: 94
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: November 2019
Country/Time Zone: Nepal / GMT +5:45
Average Hours Played Per Week: 45hrs
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 3
Account Name:jogger69
Character Name: Yoggsmarttest
Highest Level: 94
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: do not remember but Betrayal league
Country/Time Zone: USA Est
Average Hours Played Per Week: 30+ beginning league 10+ mid to end league
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): league only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 7
Account Name: wade_shinigami
Character Name: assmannnnn
Highest Level:98
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: a few months after release
Country/Time Zone: Egypt utc+2
Average Hours Played Per Week: 30+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): league only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active):5 not the chattiest but i like helping the new players
Account Name: qrankzn1
Character Name: JaxerinOO
Highest Level: 95
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Actively 03.2020 Delirium League
Country/Time Zone: UTC +1 / +2 during Summer
Average Hours Played Per Week: 40+ first 6 weeks, rest of league ~ 20+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League only, trying HC in future
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 7
Account Name: Myros777
Character Name:_Burning_Ultimatum_
Highest Level:96
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:Apr 8, 2017
Country/Time Zone:Croatia CET +1
Average Hours Played Per Week: 25
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League, Standard
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active):7
Account Name: 1ookey
Character Name: LKmons
Highest Level: 91
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2017
Country/Time Zone: GMT
Average Hours Played Per Week: 20-25
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): SSF HC, League
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 3
Last edited by 1ookey on Jul 23, 2021, 2:05:48 PM
Account Name: imjau
Character Name: ultimjaui
Highest Level:
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: oct 2013
Country/Time Zone: 95
Average Hours Played Per Week: 40-60
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): league only softcore
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 5
Account Name: nleugbal
Character Name: NaguSyran
Highest Level: 93
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: About a year (keep coming back)
Country/Time Zone: The Netherlands +1
Average Hours Played Per Week: 30+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League only (for now)
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active: 8
Account Name: Yalarun
Character Name: Yalarun_SST
Highest Level: 96
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jul 12, 2014
Country/Time Zone: UTC +3
Average Hours Played Per Week: 16 - 20
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League Only
Chat Activity (1-10, 10 being very active): 5
Last edited by Yalarun on Jul 24, 2021, 5:01:01 AM

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