<EMPIRE> RECRUITING FOR NEW LEAGUE (200+ Active Members, 55+ Stash Tabs) + Discord

Account Name:Gundirs
Character Name: Gundirsumm
Highest Level:93
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:Oct, 2013
Country/Time Zone:+2GMT
Average Hours Played Per Week:20+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):League
Account Name: Gremace
Character Name: ICanSoloHillock
Highest Level: 82
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jan 2013
Country/Time Zone: USA EST
Average Hours Played Per Week: 20 ish
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League only, I haven't played in a couple years but I came back for metamorph.
Account Name: SillyHollow
Character Name: Zevven
Highest Level: 93
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Feb 15, 2013
Country/Time Zone: Netherlands/CET/UTC+1
Average Hours Played Per Week: 15-20
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League Only, SC
Account Name: Vvongs
Character Name: vong_cobra
Highest Level: 95
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: september 2018
Country/Time Zone: Turkey GMT+2
Average Hours Played Per Week: 10 hours when im busy, up to 40 when i'm not
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League only
Account Name: StephCurry1
Character Name: OccultistPOP
Highest Level: 98
Month & Year I Started Playing: No idea. Roughly 600 hours played.
Country/Time Zone: London +0
Average Hours Played Per Week: About 100, later on in the league a bit less
Player-Type: League Only, Standard for possible build testing
Account Name: palindromeni
Character Name: NullPointerX
Highest Level: 96
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: 2
Country/Time Zone: USA / Los Angeles Time Zone
Average Hours Played Per Week: 40
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): Fun, League, All Type
Account Name:kitdesoyo
Character Name:pew_pew_skeletons
Highest Level:86
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:Jan 19, 2017
Country/Time Zone:philippines - pht/pst
Average Hours Played Per Week:25 to 35 hours a week depending on how busy
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):league sc only
Last edited by kitdesoyo on Jan 2, 2020, 10:25:14 PM
Account Name:ildreas
Character Name:FMLIldreas
Highest Level:90+
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: seriously, around delve league
Country/Time Zone:LISBON/UCT +0
Average Hours Played Per Week:30+ If i'm not busy
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.): League Only
Account Name:iDemocles
Character Name:iDemocles
Highest Level:91
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Jan 2, 2018
Country/Time Zone:East US
Average Hours Played Per Week: 50+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):League only
Account Name:zhazha89
Character Name:HarryInHeaven
Highest Level:97
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile:2 year+
Country/Time Zone:thailand
Average Hours Played Per Week:35+
Player-type (League Only, Hardcore, Standard, Etc.):league only

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