<~MINE~> More Is Never Enough ● Heist League ● English ● SG, JP, AUS, NA

Hi guys sign me up.

1. How many leagues have you participated in? every league since Essence League
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Aim for 40/40 every league when possible.
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Sure
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact. WoDeNextLeagueStarter / Singapore / Imakatsu#3872
Hi, I'd like to join your guild for new league, this my sign up form: :)
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 6
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? When I need something on those channel
6. My ign is: raejin91. I play on the Singapore servers. My Discord contact is raejin91#0602
Feel free DM me on discord if you wanna buy something: raejin91#0602
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 2
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?Yes
6. Out of characters but an SC IGN:DMSJIABFUISDBNVM. HC League, NA Servers. Discord:McChicken#0429
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 6
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. My SG ign is: gsdot I play on the SG servers. My Discord contact is gsFrozen#0742
Last edited by gsking on Jun 6, 2020, 12:50:08 AM
1. How many leagues have you participated in? More than 2
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact

In-Game Name : SixthImpaleAbuse
Server/Gateway : SG
Discord Contact : MonoRealm#0392
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 3-4
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? i generally complete a bunch of challenges
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

1. How many leagues have you participated in? 14 (Played on Garena sever before 3.10)
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. IGN is: PeepoRunKo/Gateway: SG / Discord: Dubyko#4943

Thanks :D
Last edited by dubyko on Jun 7, 2020, 8:29:48 AM
Hoping to come back. Metamorph burned me out. I do apologize for just dropping out and not saying anything.

1. 9ish I think?
2. Should be, ya.
3. Yes
4. If you'll have me back
5. Yup
6. IGN is Pocalem on North America - DC gateway. Discord is Pocalem#3537
1.How many leagues have you participated in? 19 (Way more than I thought, all softcore, since Rampage, some leagues more than others but always at least 3/40)

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League? Yes, I plan to hit at least 24/40

3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes

6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

IGN: Eliteaqua10
Server/Gateway: North America/Dallas
Discord Contact: Cameron Lanch#2303
1. How many leagues have you participated in?: One. Delirium was the first league I actually played a lot.

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Harvest League?: Yep

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?: Of course

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?: Yes

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?: Yes

6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.: hilfiger#5447

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