<~MINE~> More Is Never Enough ● Heist League ● English ● SG, JP, AUS, NA

1. How many leagues have you participated in? 10
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League? yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
Server: Australia
Discord: BilobateSugar20#1884

pref add through discord first, would be easier <3
1. How many leagues have you participated in? Since Incursion
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
server: SG
discord: ducky7#6821
Last edited by ducker77 on Dec 10, 2019, 5:10:02 AM

1. How many leagues have you participated in? This is my 3rd League
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? No
6. LnsanityRules, NA, RᴇʟIᴀ#5381
1. How many leagues have you participated in?

Played since Domination and haven't missed one since

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League?

Day one? yeah easy

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?


4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?

Of course

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?


6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

IGN : MasterTalan
GW : Australia
Disc: 乇乂ㄒ尺卂丂爪ㄩᎶ#6940
1. How many leagues have you participated in?

Played since there were only 3 acts.

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League?

I plan to be really active next league so yeah

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?


4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?


5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?


6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

IGN : MandoPF
GW : Sao Paulo / Washington DC
Disc: pulse#6247

(◕ ω ◕✿)

1. How many leagues have you participated in? been around since 1.0.0 so 26 in total
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League? definitely
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? yes, use them every league since its inception
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

My latest IGN: jlhyGGGliedGPUfried
Server: Australia
Discord: jlhy #9875

Joining the MINE ship with Norse and Daly
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 16.

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League? Yes. Aiming for 36/40

3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes

6. My ign is: "CogPhamp" and my discord is "Stan#2302", Gateway is Aus
1. How many leagues have you participated in?
I have participated in 2 leagues so far.

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League?
Im planning on doing 36/40

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?

6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
IGN: CurrencySinkingFund
Server: Singapore
Discord: Reformed #9109

Planing to join with my friend 'wboon'
1. How many leagues have you participated in?

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League?
Yes. Definitely 36. Maybe 40.

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?

6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

IGN: wboon
Gateway: SG
Discord: wboon#5601

Planning to join with my friend 'JustADogWoofWoof'
1. How many leagues have you participated in?

This will be my 7th.

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Metamorph League?

Yes, aiming for 30+.

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?


4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?


5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?


6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.


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