<~MINE~> More Is Never Enough ● Heist League ● English ● SG, JP, AUS, NA


Last edited by EdgaJudo on Jun 6, 2019, 10:55:08 AM
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 4
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? Yes, usually get first reward at 12 challange every league
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? i will, but im very shy to talk
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.

IGN legion: DeadYouMadafaka
Server : Singapore Realm
Discord Contact : ImmO
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 2
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? yes (I have a working mic)
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? yes
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
IGN: Zsno
Gateway: JP/SG
Discord: 정은비#2724
Last edited by Zsno on Jun 28, 2019, 7:23:48 AM
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 1
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? no
6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
IGN: Jasperialistix
Gateway: SG
Discord: jasperialistic#7927
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 11
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. My ign is: KhalitzNinja. I play on the SG/JP servers. My Discord contact is Khalitz#7968
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 3
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? Yes.
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes.
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes.
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yessssirrr
6. My ign is: sluggyisexpensive or sluggysucksatleague! I play on US servers! Discord: Sluggy#7320 :D
1. How many leagues have you participated in? 1
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. IGN: ivanykx1, Singapore Gateway, Discord: ikx#3665
Last edited by ivanykx1 on Jul 5, 2019, 1:44:55 PM
Last edited by Marq09 on Jul 6, 2019, 7:17:35 AM
1. How many leagues you have participated in? 4
2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League? Yes
3. Have you read our Guild Rules? Yes
4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server? Yes
5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820? Yes
6. My ign is: frely_summmooN. I play on the Japan servers. My Discord contact is frely#1605
1. How many leagues have you participated in?
Answer:Joined the game near end of Syndicate league and have been playing till now

2. Will you be able to complete 3/40 Challenges in Legion League?
Answer:My goal is to try to get 24/40 or even 36/40 for this league.

3. Have you read our Guild Rules?

4. Will you be joining us on our Discord server?

5. Are you aware of /global 820 & /trade 820?

6. Leave a reply with your In-Game Name, the Server/Gateway you play on and your Discord contact.
Answer:wEiLuN#0222,Singapore Gateway

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