[2.6] Trickster | CoC Malice Discharge | HC viable | 8-10k+ ES | 90K+ DPS | Budget Version Inc

How would you compare this build with say Mjol Jugg in 2.6?
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
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Zittena wrote:
Damage feels kinda lack luster, you can look at my character on my profile to see if i fucked something up, first discharge character.

I think my gear is fairly good, same with my jewels, might just be protector bug, at least i hope it is lmao.

would be helpful to have an experienced(?) discharge player help me out.

For now yes there is a bug with voll's+discharge, but by tomorrow it will be fixed with the new patch. So your damage will be see a significant difference.

Further on, would change some jewels tho, best one's for our build are crit multi (fire+light) + increased damage/spell. Don't get cold damage, as we mostly deal only fire & lightning damage. (cold is just to proc EE)

Talking about EE, I saw add to fire damage on your ring, you should get rid of it as it lowers your damage. Make sure you have no # add to fire/light damage anywhere on your gear.
Last edited by vvamic on Mar 8, 2017, 10:52:17 AM
Good for? t10=0 dps death

Last edited by TheGrammaton on Mar 8, 2017, 11:15:31 AM
TheGrammaton wrote:
Good for?


Seems alright, just get a +3.5 Crit gloves and then move your cyclone setup to it, it will help a lot with boss fights as it gives us constant crit chance for cyclone.

Although it doesn't hurt but mana on rings (-cost of skills) is a complete waste on trickster as our skills are mana free. You would be better off getting a diamond ring with ES/Accuracy if your resistances are already capped.
Last edited by vvamic on Mar 8, 2017, 11:17:03 AM
Jerle wrote:
How would you compare this build with say Mjol Jugg in 2.6?

Well I can't compare this build with something I have never played. I have played a Mjol build on Templar in 2.5.

I can tell you this, which you might probably already know, Both Cospri's & Mjol build seem similar as they are weapon trigger builds but Malice needs to be crit based while as Mjol doesn't.

Which makes Mjol somewhat cheaper but also comparatively less in DPS than Malice discharge builds.
How do we keep charges up other than critting? I'm confused.
In a house of mirrors, who perceives who to be real?
How do we keep charges up other than critting? I'm confused.

We only generate power charges, that too only on crit hits.
Our main charges come from Voll's protector which generates charges when we hit an enemy with a crit. Further charges are generated by the skill gem linked with power charge on critical gem (eg. cyclone+pcoc). Even further charges can be generated by linking a blade vortex to either cwdt or coc.

Endurance charges are gained via Voll's devotion, which converts power charges into endurance upon consumption or expiration. Further endurance charges can be gained via warlord's mark on kill.
vvamic wrote:
Further on, would change some jewels tho, best one's for our build are crit multi (fire+light) + increased damage/spell. Don't get cold damage, as we mostly deal only fire & lightning damage. (cold is just to proc EE)

Hey, I'd just like to add that I did some research and it appears that the Crit Multi from Cold Multi Jewels applies to all the damage. You have to think of it like this, say you look at a spell like Ice Shot. It's Attack, and Cold. If you have a Cold Skill Multiplier Jewel, it effects the skills overall damage. It wouldn't just apply the 18% modifier to the 60% that is getting converted to cold, it applies it to the overall damage since it is a cold skill.

Anyways, this is just what I found from doing some research.
Last edited by CloudedInSanity33 on Mar 9, 2017, 1:59:02 PM
vvamic wrote:
Further on, would change some jewels tho, best one's for our build are crit multi (fire+light) + increased damage/spell. Don't get cold damage, as we mostly deal only fire & lightning damage. (cold is just to proc EE)

Hey, I'd just like to add that I did some research and it appears that the Crit Multi from Cold Multi Jewels applies to all the damage. You have to think of it like this, say you look at a spell like Ice Shot. It's Attack, and Cold. If you have a Cold Skill Multiplier Jewel, it effects the skills overall damage. It wouldn't just apply the 18% modifier to the 60% that is getting converted to cold, it applies it to the overall damage since it is a cold skill.

Anyways, this is just what I found from doing some research.

I am aware that crit multi with cold skills would apply to discharge too, what I was referring here was the op's increased cold damage jewels which won't apply to the overall discharge damage.

Removed cold from my post to avoid any confusion for newer players.
Has this build been nerfed? at lvl 68 i've switched into CI and discharge and i seem to not be critting enough at all and i've basically copied gear
In a house of mirrors, who perceives who to be real?

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