[2.6] Trickster | CoC Malice Discharge | HC viable | 8-10k+ ES | 90K+ DPS | Budget Version Inc

Hey there, im currently leveling a trickster in LHC.

From the other posts in this thread it looks like sooner or later i will 1shot myself to a single ele reflect mob in maps... should i just not play this build in HC ? Or what would you suggest.
I can't afford loosing 400-500C from this character :( so i don't wanna risk it.

Title says HC viable though... so im confused ?
Rhanoss wrote:
Hey there, im currently leveling a trickster in LHC.

From the other posts in this thread it looks like sooner or later i will 1shot myself to a single ele reflect mob in maps... should i just not play this build in HC ? Or what would you suggest.
I can't afford loosing 400-500C from this character :( so i don't wanna risk it.

Title says HC viable though... so im confused ?

Reflects can be a problem with any ele/phys build unless you spend points or go with an ascendancy that reduces reflected damage.

With a build that 1-shots packs and once you get in pace you just keep going, making it easy to die to reflects that you never noticed. For SC we push for damage which is ok but with HC its a different story.

Few pointers I can give you for keeping yourself alive with this build in HC

1. Capping resistances is required even in SC but in HC you need to push them higher using purities.
2. You can choose to spend more points towards ES rather than damage in the tree, you will need all the given crit nodes tho. Main point here to get a higher ES pool.
3. Focus on jewels should be on ES & attack speed rather than crit multi & spell damage, but don't skip on them entirely, you still need some of those to boost your damage.

Higher resistances/ES & moderate damage will keep you alive.
With these changes it's hard or very unlucky to die unless you go kamikaze on a reflect or a deadly boss.

I have friends who have reached lvl 100 multiple times in HC with this build past few leagues. So if you play carefully and with proper planning you should be fine.

Last edited by vvamic on Mar 31, 2017, 7:34:54 PM
vvamic wrote:
Rhanoss wrote:
Hey there, im currently leveling a trickster in LHC.

From the other posts in this thread it looks like sooner or later i will 1shot myself to a single ele reflect mob in maps... should i just not play this build in HC ? Or what would you suggest.
I can't afford loosing 400-500C from this character :( so i don't wanna risk it.

Title says HC viable though... so im confused ?

Reflects can be a problem with any ele/phys build unless you spend points or go with an ascendancy that reduces reflected damage.

With a build that 1-shots packs and once you get in pace you just keep going, making it easy to die to reflects that you never noticed. For SC we push for damage which is ok but with HC its a different story.

Few pointers I can give you for keeping yourself alive with this build in HC

1. Capping resistances is required even in SC but in HC you need to push them higher using purities.
2. You can choose to spend more points towards ES rather than damage in the tree, you will need all the given crit nodes tho. Main point here to get a higher ES pool.
3. Focus on jewels should be on ES & attack speed rather than crit multi & spell damage, but don't skip on them entirely, you still need some of those to boost your damage.

Higher resistances/ES & moderate damage will keep you alive.
With these changes it's hard or very unlucky to die unless you go kamikaze on a reflect or a deadly boss.

I have friends who have reached lvl 100 multiple times in HC with this build past few leagues. So if you play carefully and with proper planning you should be fine.

Hey thanks for your reply.

I will try and build the character a little bit tankier with higher ES pool.

About using purities, i don't think i can do it though.

Discipline + Herald of Ice is already reserving 60% of my mana, even if i'd drop herald of ice (which i dont think is a good idea at all for this kind of build) i could only use 1 purity aura instead.. so yeah.

I guess I'll just play the build and hope i won't die to reflect? :D haha
Rhanoss wrote:
vvamic wrote:
Rhanoss wrote:
Hey there, im currently leveling a trickster in LHC.

From the other posts in this thread it looks like sooner or later i will 1shot myself to a single ele reflect mob in maps... should i just not play this build in HC ? Or what would you suggest.
I can't afford loosing 400-500C from this character :( so i don't wanna risk it.

Title says HC viable though... so im confused ?

Reflects can be a problem with any ele/phys build unless you spend points or go with an ascendancy that reduces reflected damage.

With a build that 1-shots packs and once you get in pace you just keep going, making it easy to die to reflects that you never noticed. For SC we push for damage which is ok but with HC its a different story.

Few pointers I can give you for keeping yourself alive with this build in HC

1. Capping resistances is required even in SC but in HC you need to push them higher using purities.
2. You can choose to spend more points towards ES rather than damage in the tree, you will need all the given crit nodes tho. Main point here to get a higher ES pool.
3. Focus on jewels should be on ES & attack speed rather than crit multi & spell damage, but don't skip on them entirely, you still need some of those to boost your damage.

Higher resistances/ES & moderate damage will keep you alive.
With these changes it's hard or very unlucky to die unless you go kamikaze on a reflect or a deadly boss.

I have friends who have reached lvl 100 multiple times in HC with this build past few leagues. So if you play carefully and with proper planning you should be fine.

Hey thanks for your reply.

I will try and build the character a little bit tankier with higher ES pool.

About using purities, i don't think i can do it though.

Discipline + Herald of Ice is already reserving 60% of my mana, even if i'd drop herald of ice (which i dont think is a good idea at all for this kind of build) i could only use 1 purity aura instead.. so yeah.

I guess I'll just play the build and hope i won't die to reflect? :D haha

For HC you must drop HOI, I know HOI helps in that extra iAoe but you just have to do it for survival.

Setup for HC:
In helm or boots: Purity of Fire+Purity of Light+Discipline+Enlighten.
Move warlords to cwdt incase you are using it in blasphemy, this requires you to keep vinktar up during runs or get a leech enchant boot's.
Good luck
Last edited by vvamic on Apr 1, 2017, 11:55:16 AM
Alright thank you.

Will a lvl 2 Enlighten suffice ?

edit: Each aura has 35% mana reserved. 35x0.96 (lvl 2 enlighten mana multiplier is 96%) = 33.6

3 auras 3x33.6=100,8.

If my math is correct i'd need a lvl 3 enlighten, is that correct?
Last edited by Rhanoss on Apr 1, 2017, 2:39:27 PM
Rhanoss wrote:
Alright thank you.

Will a lvl 2 Enlighten suffice ?

edit: Each aura has 35% mana reserved. 35x0.96 (lvl 2 enlighten mana multiplier is 96%) = 33.6

3 auras 3x33.6=100,8.

If my math is correct i'd need a lvl 3 enlighten, is that correct?

Level 3 minimum unless you take some less mana reserved nodes like the one near doomcast/CI.
Last edited by vvamic on Apr 1, 2017, 3:09:38 PM
I've been out of the game for a bit so excuse me if this question is silly. Does Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver not work for this build? I just spent a lot of time and currency getting this build set up only to find the discharge proc doesn't heal me! What could I be missing?
Trialversion wrote:
I've been out of the game for a bit so excuse me if this question is silly. Does Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver not work for this build? I just spent a lot of time and currency getting this build set up only to find the discharge proc doesn't heal me! What could I be missing?

To make those work for any build you need a leech method which can be done with any of these (From most preferred to least)

1. Warlords Mark either on blasphemy or cast when damage taken.
2. Leech Enchant on boots or Voll's devotion ammy with light/fire leech.
3. Vinktar flask effect.
4. Life leech gem in malice.

If you cannot leech life then you are missing them.
Last edited by vvamic on Apr 1, 2017, 11:39:05 PM
Got it. Thank you so much!
Hey what do you think about the passive tree node Ash, Forst and Storm ?

Would it be worth it to invest 4 points for total of 40% elemental damage and 10% reduced ele reflect taken?

Could only drop jewel sockets i suppose for it ?

edit: My incentive for taking it would only be the reduced reflect dmg taken, though i dont know if it's worth it.
Last edited by Rhanoss on Apr 2, 2017, 9:11:49 AM

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