[3.20] [???] Cyclone by OkeyKeks [Jugger-summoner (herald of agony)]

Ive made this build. Got insane damage. Not that much life yet cause im lvl 85 only. Tho ive went bronn's lithe. Lvl 21 grace. Sins rebirth and iron reflexes. Cant die to phys. But hardcore elemental damage is where this build lacks, unless uve got some more leech.
ryzarectorx wrote:

I’m switching from my current build. For flasks i have taste of hate and sins rebirth. Should i keep using them with this

hi. no, since the Starforge sword and the stone of brutality are used.
► Cyclone-summoner-instability [3.25]
Last edited by OkeyKeks on Jan 17, 2018, 11:38:02 AM
ryzarector wrote:
How are you reaching your armor/dps numbers? My armor and dps are both like half of yours. Gladly accepting any tips

in terms of armor everything is simple - the juggernaut class is chosen.
for the damage is essentially nothing special. in fact everything is based on things + endurance charges.
on your build I can not advise anything.
► Cyclone-summoner-instability [3.25]
Eelbrook wrote:
Ive made this build. Got insane damage. Not that much life yet cause im lvl 85 only. Tho ive went bronn's lithe. Lvl 21 grace. Sins rebirth and iron reflexes. Cant die to phys. But hardcore elemental damage is where this build lacks, unless uve got some more leech.

You have a very specific assembly. it is more aimed at damage than defense. my main idea was to do a great degree of protection. But this does not prevent you from trying to improve your build =) it is very interesting)
► Cyclone-summoner-instability [3.25]

I've leveled up this build with bronn's lithe armor + haste aura + damage jewel and it was very fun ! So much speed and good base damage for a jugg ( around 330 K in my memory ) .

Then around level 80+ i've switched for Brass dome + determination aura. 60K armour for a cycloner caracter is not so common ! lol But it was mainly for testing, and i was not suprised to be crushed by elemental bosses in nasty map mods. :p


Thanks for your comment, and yes i also like the potentiel of the jewel ! :)

I have a limited time of playing, so it's not easy to gather enough currency, but i finaly earned the few exalt needed to test this new version based on your build :

Current equipment in softcore abyss league:

Passive Tree :


Path of building :


I have changed the gloves : it's a loss of the shock immunity, vulnerability on hit, and the damage bonus for each endurance changes, but i gain 2 slot for abyss jewel, more life and intimidation on hit.
I have changed my passive tree : remove mortal conviction (blood magic etc...) in order to unlock a new jewel slot and be able to use one aura (vitality) and one curse (vulnerabilty with blasphemy). Obviously all this changes are made for testing the Watcher's jewel (for the 30% increase life recovery rate ).

My previous version has the following stats :
Hit points : 9450
Damage : around 220 K (with 3 frenzy and 10 endurances charges)
Life leech : 2500
Life regen : 2275

Now with this new version :
Hits points : 9287
Damage : around 220 K (with 3 frenzy and 10 endurances charges)
Life leech : 3150
Life regen : 3200

And now sadly i don't have enough time to realy test it !
Last edited by gregoyre on Jan 18, 2018, 3:34:25 PM
Looks like u dont have enduring cry, how are u sustaining endurance charges in bossfights?
I've seen that i almost never use enduring cry, thanks to the combo of the Juggernaut ascendancy and Red Dream Jewel. It can be very usefull, but not absolutely required in my opinion. Most boss generate adds that you can focus on, by killing it in priority or to the contrary by let them hit you, in order to generate endurance charges.

Boss like phoenix can be very challenging. So if i feel that i need enduring cry, it will be easy to socket it on weapon 2 slot for exemple, and switch to it when required.

I am more worried about the lost of leap slam. Movement skill are so important in tought fights !

But like i said in my previous post, i need time to play and test (my vitality is only level 11 now lol ) and adjust the build. :)

Last edited by gregoyre on Jan 18, 2018, 4:07:39 PM
gregoyre wrote:

I have changed the gloves : it's a loss of the shock immunity, vulnerability on hit, and the damage bonus for each endurance changes, but i gain 2 slot for abyss jewel, more life and intimidation on hit.
I have changed my passive tree : remove mortal conviction (blood magic etc...) in order to unlock a new jewel slot and be able to use one aura (vitality) and one curse (vulnerabilty with blasphemy). Obviously all this changes are made for testing the Watcher's jewel (for the 30% increase life recovery rate ).

My previous version has the following stats :
Hit points : 9450
Damage : around 220 K (with 3 frenzy and 10 endurances charges)
Life leech : 2500
Life regen : 2275

Now with this new version :
Hits points : 9287
Damage : around 220 K (with 3 frenzy and 10 endurances charges)
Life leech : 3150
Life regen : 3200

And now sadly i don't have enough time to realy test it !

Your jewel "Watcher's Eye" is just a godsend. I learned something new. Thank you)
► Cyclone-summoner-instability [3.25]
Last edited by OkeyKeks on Jan 20, 2018, 5:32:07 AM
My build is somewhere close to done.
Got watchers eye, for vitality and grace. iron reflexes.. etc etc. aint going Brutality tho, cause i believe i got more dmg from atziri and sin rebirth flask.
Im now wondering if i should get some shock chance, swap out one of my kaoms rings, for a 10% shock ring, get myself 2 jewels with 5% and at last enchant my boots with 10% then all in all i will have 30%.

and then i must get myself a bit more dmg, to maintain the shock, or atleast to proc it often.

just hit lvl 91. going for shaper and uber, and then im done for this league. if i can do it without the shock, then its that. if i lack dps, and im still able to do it, but it takes too much time. then ill try shock..

and at last, might corrupt my ammy, for +1 curse, so i got vuln and enfeeble in Leapslam. No need for blasphemy, even tho it rocks.

when I was watching your video I noticed this buff icon

what is this buff?

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