[3.4.0][Consecrated Path / Reave / BF] [BERS - dual crit] (Uber Elder / Aul / U Atziri - videos)

hi, how significant is the difference between a 20 and 21 blade furry? also i will accept any recommendations for better improving my gear.

ViDmEx wrote:
Thank you...

Well, I sold my boots and bought new items with life and new jewels. Also changed my abyssus to a lower one (couldn't afford a 41, so for now I have a 42 one). Items are still not optimal, but much better. I have ~5,7k hp now. I've bought a 20q immortal call so I don't have to activate it manually and I've also changed my flasks to saph + topaz + ruby.

And I still die a lot :P
There is what I do:
Activate hatred + herald.
Pop blood rage.
Get close do mobs using WB, cry when safer then jump to them to pop fority and blade flurry them.
I try to keep topaz flask always up when possible. Problem is that sometimes mobs outdamage me and I can't leech enough, so I die.

If possible, I would like to see some1 with this build playing to check if I'm doing something very wrong or wtf is it, because I know I don't have the best items, but in my opinion they are not so bad that I can't even clear a t10 map.

I don't bother about fortify. I always try to keep myself away from the pack. Since BF is not exactly close melee (unless you use concentrated gem), you can always keep yourself at a safe distance. Cast warcry from the distance. You should still be able to get some charges on it. Don't worry about getting full charges from the cry.

In short, keep a distance from the fights. Keeping fortify up is not worth it.

Blood rage:
I don't use blood rage most of the time. Only in tough boss fights and breaches for better leech. I also don't use blood rage in maps that have no or less health recovery mods. In fact, I don't recommend you to use blood rage at all because you are on Vaal Pact setup and you don't have life regen. You can easily screw yourself up because of the life degen.

You can do weapon swap to cancel blood rage degen effect but I don't do that myself as my gem setup will require me to recast my auras.

Immortal Call:
Use a level 9 CWDT and level 11 Immortal Call. It gets invoked more frequently. A level 20 CWDT will need you to take more damage before it activates. I don't self cast IC and just leave it to the gem setup.

For hatred and herald of ash, you only need to cast them once (in hideout) through the game play (unless you died) since they are auras. I always remove them from my skill bar after activating them. This is to prevent accidental deactivation in the midst of a fight.

For totem, I usually plant warchief ahead of me so he attracts the mob while I attack from behind.

I checked your character and it seems like you have removed some of the gears so I can't give another complete assessment:
- You have a very decent belt now. Roll weapon elemental damage on it. This will give you more damage for better leech

- Your skill tree do not have "Aspect of Carnage" but instead you picked "Rite of Ruin". You should always go for "Aspect of Carnage" first because you will have 40% more damage. That is huge as it ensure you can leech a larger amount of health back.

- One of your rings (Fate Finger) is without health. You can replace that. The rolls on it ain't great either.

- You can replace Maligaro gloves with a rare gloves. You won't lose much damage from there especially if you are using Bino.

- Your pots have too many bleed immunity, generally you only need 1. Use a divine life flask instead.

- Use a mana pot for freeze immunity as you will have 5 charges instead. You can pretty much spam this pot during engagement as it refills really fast. You can replace basalt with this.

- You can have 1 of the flask to give you more armor %. I have ruby flask for that.

- Doryani leeches life from elemental damage. So ensure you are using Weapon Elemental Damage plus Physical Damage to Lightning gems in your chest links.
- In a 5L setup, Increased Area of Effect > Increased Critical Strike.

Also, what is your current BF damage, physical reduction % from character screen?

shaper down on my bino's setup

not deathless, but i just learned the fight and it's my first kill on shaper in the 2 leagues i've played poe :D

ViDmEx wrote:

Thank you...

Well, I sold my boots and bought new items with life and new jewels. Also changed my abyssus to a lower one (couldn't afford a 41, so for now I have a 42 one). Items are still not optimal, but much better. I have ~5,7k hp now. I've bought a 20q immortal call so I don't have to activate it manually and I've also changed my flasks to saph + topaz + ruby.

And I still die a lot :P
There is what I do:
Activate hatred + herald.
Pop blood rage.
Get close do mobs using WB, cry when safer then jump to them to pop fority and blade flurry them.
I try to keep topaz flask always up when possible. Problem is that sometimes mobs outdamage me and I can't leech enough, so I die.

If possible, I would like to see some1 with this build playing to check if I'm doing something very wrong or wtf is it, because I know I don't have the best items, but in my opinion they are not so bad that I can't even clear a t10 map.

The author posted a list of videos.
Here's his Lair of the Hydra : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jES3Er_2vk&feature=youtu.be

As you can see the build clears stuff pretty quickly. Mobs generally don't have time to hit you because they die immediately. He simply ignores the ele reflect mobs to avoid nuking himself to death.
If the mobs hit you too much and you can't leech enough, then your damage output might simply be too low. Underleveled gems might contribute to the problem. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what the problem is though unless you can post a video.
shlazar wrote:
my budget for the weapon is 15-25ex.

With that budget, you can go for a dagger with following stats:

- Physical damage range from 90+ to 300+
- APS of 1.6+
- Dagger crit chance of 7+
- pDPS of 330+

Above is what I would look out for.

The numbers are just a gauge so it don't have to be exact in numbers.
MartinLuther wrote:
hi, how significant is the difference between a 20 and 21 blade furry? also i will accept any recommendations for better improving my gear.


Level 21 blade flurry gives 0.6% more base damage and 1% more area of effect.

When your gear is maxed, I guess gems will be the next thing to go.

Btw, your characters are hidden.
kira1414 wrote:
MartinLuther wrote:
hi, how significant is the difference between a 20 and 21 blade furry? also i will accept any recommendations for better improving my gear.


Level 21 blade flurry gives 0.6% more base damage and 1% more area of effect.

When your gear is maxed, I guess gems will be the next thing to go.

Btw, your characters are hidden.

ok i fix
MartinLuther wrote:

ok i fix

Your gears are good. The next item you can replace would be to get Atziri's Acuity gloves and get Taste of hate flask.

The other thing you can aim for will be to get your resistance to 169 so elemental weakness map will be a free pack size for you. For this, main stats on your boots can roll for fire resist.

Get more levels and get at least 4 jewel sockets in the tree. That will give you a very good boost.
kira1414 wrote:
MartinLuther wrote:

ok i fix

Your gears are good. The next item you can replace would be to get Atziri's Acuity gloves and get Taste of hate flask.

The other thing you can aim for will be to get your resistance to 169 so elemental weakness map will be a free pack size for you. For this, main stats on your boots can roll for fire resist.

Get more levels and get at least 4 jewel sockets in the tree. That will give you a very good boost.

i need the +attributes on my boots or else i cant equip doryani's, too dumb, not enough int
MartinLuther wrote:

i need the +attributes on my boots or else i cant equip doryani's, too dumb, not enough int


Get Atziri's Acuity. Your marauder will get smarter and can drop the stats on your boots. ;)

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