[3.4.0][Consecrated Path / Reave / BF] [BERS - dual crit] (Uber Elder / Aul / U Atziri - videos)

this looks expensive especialy hunter belt but amating combo dps like it...but next time when i was asking about chcest variants dont tell me that belly is trash one LUL
An other little tweak. If you take the sword bleeding nodes, take out the chance to bleed gem supporting your totem and replace it with maim. Got about a 7% total dps increase and finally broke the 10 million shaper dps mark.
I have been following this build for some time now and the improvements you guys have made. But i'm not sure about the physical version (and if it's viable without the atziri'z gloves)... Is it that much tankier? is it only for optimisation?
I'm quite poor (2 ex + 90c) but if you have 1 or 2 mins to help me improve my stuff i would be really grateful :D

Last edited by xXDx on Oct 4, 2017, 3:09:05 AM
You don't need atziri's gauntlets forthe physical version. You also have access to shaper's touch with vulnerability on hit corruption that are like 10 times cheaper than the elemental weakness ones.

The best improvement you can do is to get a 6 link belly right now.
Last edited by OCELOT69350 on Oct 4, 2017, 3:34:50 AM
xXDx wrote:
I have been following this build for some time now and the improvements you guys have made. But i'm not sure about the physical version (and if it's viable without the atziri'z gloves)... Is it that much tankier? is it only for optimisation?
I'm quite poor (2 ex + 90c) but if you have 1 or 2 mins to help me improve my stuff i would be really grateful :D

Actually there are some things that you can do.

a) Color your Scaeva to GGG and use e.g. Blood Rage, Ice Golem, Enhance in it.
The red sockets on scaeva are a bit useless as you get enough leech from Berserker. You could get 30% Crit Multi that way.

b) Get a better weapon ... Scaeva is nice for starting but should be upgraded once you are yellow or higher maps in my opinion.

c) A 6-link obviously improves your damage, though it is expensive as usual. I took Lightning Coil myself as wearing Abyssus is really a PITA, although this makes capping resistances a real PITA too ...

In general you would have to upgrade your gear overall mostly, but always depends on your wealth of course.

/Edit: The physical version is pretty much the same just that you don't take the cold conversion nodes and don't use Lightning gem (and a different phys gem instead).
Your stat stick changes to Death's Hand instead of Doryani's.

Atziri gloves are in no way mandatory. Actually I think Shaper's gloves are way too good for this build to replace them with something else. Also ... curse on hit (ele weakness or vulnerability) is much easier to get than on Atziri Gloves (where it will be not affordable for anyone).
Last edited by daish0 on Oct 4, 2017, 9:26:46 AM
Can I get some help with my build? I'm really squishy and don't really know where to go from here. I've been reading the thread and I'm going to start with putting increased duration back with immortal call, and getting it to level 20. Anything else??

Last edited by tynen on Oct 4, 2017, 11:01:23 AM
Maybe get Arctic Armour (if you don't have Enlighten 4, you can remove Herald of Ash) and use Whirling Blades as main movement (try to not "run" while you are near mobs) to get that extra Phys absorption.

Personally I went with rare boots, I really didn't like Unwavering Stance - no evasion really hurts (and made resistance capping much easier). Still have 6k life now with life jewels.

Apart from Lightning Coil, having all resistances capped (also for ele weakness maps/curses) and Arctic Armor ... it's just to get as much life as possible and being good at playing. Wouldn't recommend an Abyssus build for Hardcore though.
daish0 wrote:

Personally I went with rare boots, I really didn't like Unwavering Stance - no evasion really hurts (and made resistance capping much easier). Still have 6k life now with life jewels.

Apart from Lightning Coil, having all resistances capped (also for ele weakness maps/curses) and Arctic Armor ... it's just to get as much life as possible and being good at playing. Wouldn't recommend an Abyssus build for Hardcore though.

What do you do with stuns? Do you mitigate or just deal with it?
I see some people saying that you don't need acuity for the phys version. I would like to clarify this position.

The phys version greatly benefits from damage on full life. The issue with this is that in order for us to use blood rage, we need surplus life regen to overcome br's degen. This is entirely possible, though we would then not have instant each as we cannot have life regen with vaal pact. If you want to use damage on full life, you either need acuity, or you cant use blood rage. you can use bloodseeker if you dont mind losing 40% of your total dps.

I have found that the only builds that can survivie reflect passively are slayer, elementalist and ascendant (who can have over 100% on both ohys and ele). Even with constant e charges up with increased duration immortal call reflect will kill you. Even without headhunter, using deciever belt, you will instantly kill yourself when you get big dps. Even with arctic armor, sybils, pantheon 100% instant leech, reflect will kill you. This is why im only keeping this build as a boss killer. FYI coil will only make reflect worse for both ele and phys as it reduces your total life pool significantly and being shocked makes us take 50% extra damage. I honestly dont understand why people us it, especially when they play ele-bf!
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
hmcg020 wrote:
I see some people saying that you don't need acuity for the phys version. I would like to clarify this position.

The phys version greatly benefits from damage on full life. The issue with this is that in order for us to use blood rage, we need surplus life regen to overcome br's degen.

You would have to play the Scion version of this build to have leech not stop when reaching full life.

We get 2.8% life regen with this build from passives, but we degenerate at least for 6% life per second - meaning you can't outregen blood rage at all. You can leech, but even without Vaal Pact you will not have full life all the time - you will only reach that as Scion with the Slayer node or as Slayer, or enough life regen on gear/tree to make up for the Blood Rage degen!

Shaper's Touch give A LOT of damage and a good life pool ... so as Berserker I would just switch out Damage on Full Life gem or don't use Blood Rage.

Another solution could be to use Soul Tether Belt and get a bit ES on gear, so Blood Rage only removes some ES with the degen.

hmcg020 wrote:
I have found that the only builds that can survivie reflect passively are slayer, elementalist and ascendant (who can have over 100% on both ohys and ele). Even with constant e charges up with increased duration immortal call reflect will kill you.

Honestly, I only have Yugul Pantheon and Reflect is no issue ... as long as you kill monsters basically instantly (if your damage is good enough).

Reflect is only a problem if you do the map mod (which you just can't ... why even try?) or if an enemy does not die after the first few hits (so you do yourself damage until you die).

hmcg020 wrote:
you will instantly kill yourself when you get big dps. Even with arctic armor, sybils, pantheon 100% instant leech, reflect will kill you.

Not really ... or your life pool is too low that you don't survive a single hit?
You can't really argue that reflect kills you when you are on 100% damage leeched with Berserker - if so, your damage/life ratio is far too high.

hmcg020 wrote:
This is why im only keeping this build as a boss killer.

Well ... from the nature of Blade Flurry it is basically the best Boss Killer, AoE is ok but not as good as other alternatives.

hmcg020 wrote:
FYI coil will only make reflect worse for both ele and phys as it reduces your total life pool significantly and being shocked makes us take 50% extra damage. I honestly dont understand why people us it, especially when they play ele-bf!

Reduces your total life pool significantly - how so?
It has 70 Life, which is not great but not a pure dps armor either.
Belly gives more life ... but look at the numbers:

6,2k life with Coil
6,6k life with Belly

I'd rather have the phys reduction from Coil.
You are getting shocked ... yeah, probably ... but I bet mainly by bosses like Minotaur. But it's not like you can't do something against it (flask).

Coil is necessary in my opinion to mitigate Abyssus, you even need Arctic Armour (and utilizing it by not "moving" in packs) to not feel like a thin piece of paper against physical hits.

With Berserker and Abyssus you take 1,5 times phys damage ... this is insane.

Belly is nice, but on a build where you already get a lot of % life nodes, it isn't really the best option imho.

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