[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

For the guy having bleeder problems:
Overflowing chalice + anti-bleed flask should let you have bleed immunity up essentially permanently. I can pop my anti-bleed up before wading into any magic or rare mobs, or just a huge hoard I can't tell the nature of anyway, and if you pop the chalice right you'll refill the anti-bleed flask before it even runs out.

I conveniently got Surgeon's on my anti-bleed, so it charges up all the faster, but that's not required. Just a little insurance policy. You could use a healing flask for anti-bleed, but I hate using healing flasks for most status effects because their ward terminates the instant you hit 100% hp, which is super easy for us and exceedingly annoying for any build. I prefer to use them only for curse immunity or burn immunity; it'll clear a burn I don't want (got hit by Atziri's mega-blast and survived only to be burning down? flask!) and very quickly it'll pass and I can get the burns I do want back; and curses usually aren't applied very often, so a here-then-gone curse wipe/immunity is all you need--main exception being Hexfont monsters.
Last edited by TimeDilation on Dec 29, 2016, 12:09:06 AM
I am having a bit of trouble with single targets (most notably the essence monstahs). They get me down to about 1/2 hp before I have to pot because my life leech doesnt seem to be triggering as often as in the vids and such. Any tips?
This is Major Tom to ground control.
Last edited by tomslucky7 on Dec 29, 2016, 1:41:39 AM
tomslucky7 wrote:
I am having a bit of trouble with single targets (most notably the essence monstahs). They get me down to about 1/2 hp before I have to pot because my life leech doesnt seem to be triggering as often as in the vids and such. Any tips?

You could run emberwake/mokou, this will allow good clear speed and good single target stacking degen.
tomslucky7 wrote:
I am having a bit of trouble with single targets (most notably the essence monstahs). They get me down to about 1/2 hp before I have to pot because my life leech doesnt seem to be triggering as often as in the vids and such. Any tips?

You could run emberwake/mokou, this will allow good clear speed and good single target stacking degen.

I DO run that..
This is Major Tom to ground control.
Maybe you can make your character profile public so we can have a look at gear/tree?
tomay wrote:
myshild wrote:
Yes it is possible, just wondering if it is worth it based on the lightning damage on scepter and colors in my belly ;)

Would need to drop either GMP or Pierce and slot in IW instead, but which one to chose?

You sound like a Sparker. ;)

First of all: I would never ever put a jewel in the tree of this build that doesn't have "7% increased maximum Life" it simply isn't worth it, screw Mantra of Flames.

I too have 37% increased Lightning Damage on my sceptre AND 1-160 flat lightning damage boots enchant. Now my maximum Tooltip DPS with Spark is 21.5k with a median lightning damage of 5k per hit. The setup goes as follows, all gems being 20/20:

Spark + Spell Echo + Faster Casting + Slower Projectiles + Pierce + Controlled Destruction

(23k is possible with Elemental Focus instead of Faster Casting but then I can kiss Shock good-bye)

This means I can reliably shock anything with a health pool of 100k and many bosses in late-game maps have a LOT more than that. Was it worth to drop AoF for that? Not necessarily, I just did it because I could (Adds Fire Damage to Spells on scepter, lucky me). Do I shock efficiently? Hell yeah... in mid tier-maps. Why am I using Spark then? Because I enjoy this spell (and I happened to have a corrupted Belly with just the right colours).

Now before everyone is rushing to get out of Avatar of Fire you better be aware that certain criteria should be met:

1. A source of Fire Damage to Spells (either on the scepter, Mantra of Flames, or Anger...if you're willing to permanently reserve 50% of your Mana)

2. A 6-link armour with BBBBGR sockets (which happens to be the colouring recommended in the origibal guide).

3. Enough currency to invest in 20/20 (or better) gems of the following type:

Blade Vortex + Spell Echo + Controlled Destruction + Physical to Lightning + Concentrated Effect + Iron Will

This setup has proven to yield the the highest possible combined BV damage (more than 100k DPS) and the highest median lightning damagemore than 15k per hit which is good enough to shock monsters with a health pool of 300k+. Because shocking monsters without Vessel of Vintar or Vaal Lightning Trap is the whole point of the exercise.

Otherwise you might as well stick to the original guide and you can't go wrong either, you might need a few more seconds to take down a boss without shock but this ain't the end of the world... and if you do a unique Courtyard map you'll get a nice free flask that shocks just as well (if not better, because Vessel of Vinktar doesn't give a flying f*ck about a target's health pool ;)

Anger shouldn't be a problem as we leech a lot of mana back on each hit. Might give that a spin.
The reason I am interested in going the spark route is I feel I lack range in certain areas (uber lab pillar traps).

Also, what do you suggest? Lightning BV for shocks on high tier and spark for fun on mid tier?

I tried respeccing yesterday to spark and it worked well. Tried my first hydra fight and killed it about 5 times. Then I specced out of Breath of Flames and Exceptional Performance to gain about 500hp more and some armor. Now I am unable to kill the bastard. It seems I'm unable to leech fast enough to keep up with the burst damage. Sounds counterintuitive that 500 more HP means I die a lot more.
myshild wrote:
Anger shouldn't be a problem as we leech a lot of mana back on each hit. Might give that a spin.

Anger becomes a problem when you also have AA up, you can't sustain your active skill on 15% of your total mana. Say you have 600 Mana, with AA + Anger you're left with 90 mana, not even enough for two casts of spark let alone maintaining max BV stacks.

Not to mention that Anger reserves a socket we can put to much better use even if it is a spare red socket in a 6s5l chest (Rallying Cry gives decent damage boost and is a LOT cheaper).

myshild wrote:
Also, what do you suggest? Lightning BV for shocks on high tier and spark for fun on mid tier?

It's simple maths: 5k median lightning damage per hit with Spark vs 15k with BV. Unlike Ignite, where the amount of damage dealt does not matter at all, Shock requires us to overcome the "5% of the target's maximum life" threshold, any less damage simply cannot apply shock.

I'm not suggesting anything... what care I if a boss goes down a few seconds faster? But if one cares then a BV setup optimised for maximum lightning damage is the way to go.
Last edited by tomay on Dec 29, 2016, 8:59:56 AM
i´ve tested the build exactly like its explained.
but with the cwdt setups my pc is overflooded.
i´ve changed from boot cwdt - glacial cascade - flamability - bladefall to
blasphemy - flamability - arctic armor - golem...the setup was better for my pc.
which setups are now good for dps? i saw many builds that they have
in the high cwdt bladefall with flame surge instead etheral knives
At lvl 89 now, i tested a few levels with a blade flurry setup but went back to BV, it's much more comfortable overall.

I had a few crit based deaths with 7Khp, enough to make it annoying, they were complete one shots sometimes from unexpected mobs so i'm currently trying with a Brass dome. Still 6268 HP with it, so losing about 750 from the Belly, that seems worth it as it triggers the ascendancy more often, and makes all the deadly crit mods irrelevant on maps.

Gonna see how it goes over a longer period but so far i like it, removing the one shot RNG looks totally worth the 750 hp loss. :)

Also my scepter has no spell dmg so far, so i'm running crafted spell damage + anger instead of crafted fire damage on spells. It feels like it's more damage that way, any idea on how the maths work for this ? Having the fire damage to spells back on the scepter means no spell dmg on it (useless stats overall) so not sure how a single gem slot would make up for that, considering i have a 6s 5L and that free slot works well for Anger.

I made my profile public just in case someone wants to check, i guess i'll have to spend on some hysterias to get a better scepter, that seems like the most critical upgrade.
Last edited by Axylxys on Dec 29, 2016, 11:45:34 AM
tomay wrote:
Maybe you can make your character profile public so we can have a look at gear/tree?

Done. should be okay now. Didn't even know it was private to begin with.
This is Major Tom to ground control.

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