[HC/SC] 2.5 Inquisitor Miner - over 11k ES - 1 shoting core bosses - Guardians down (With video)

Kelvynn wrote:
One more 'why' question: why not Elementalist?

Watch this part of a RaizQT video for another build where he explains the choice of Elementalist over Inquisitor. I think his reasoning can be applied to your build as well.

Also, RaizQT's point regarding Fire Penetration doesn't apply to this build, this is a mine build and Elementalist's Mastermind of Discord doesn't apply to traps/mines.
Last edited by enemymigs on Oct 14, 2016, 2:29:10 PM
Added boss killing montage video and boss killing corrupted core t15
Added poster :3
Making a new Templar builds listing.

Would you consider your build for the most part unchanged for 2.5?

And if so, would you consider renaming your post to reflect that it is 2.5 ready?

Hot Flashes: poeurl.com/bPZT
Balance: poeurl.com/btzp
Shocking EleHit: poeurl.com/bZXo
Kwitch wrote:
Making a new Templar builds listing.

Would you consider your build for the most part unchanged for 2.5?

And if so, would you consider renaming your post to reflect that it is 2.5 ready?


2.5 viable atm Nothing is changes
Man Saboteur really needs a buff if proper trappers don't even use it
what about 2.6
not any another ways?:(((((
author is banned lol

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