[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

Nisseonbeer wrote:
you think we could make this in to a shadow build or would you die to lag of flask charges on shaper etc? so bored of all these pathfinders :D

So basically man, this build is predicated on vinktar's and exploiting with with full ele conversion. You'd have to use an overflowing chalice and flask nodes / flask rolls on belt or possibly due a poachers mark setup. For bosses, drop a quicksilver and run double vinktar like shaper and uber atziri. Prolonged fights. If you have a legacy vinktar, you might be able to get away with less investment, keyword might.

I think with some tweaking and testing you could pull it off, and still keep the the idea of this build alive. I get what you're saying about pathfinder but at this point, if you can't beat em, join em. Dare I say enjoy it while it lasts? =/
mdswesker wrote:
Hey Guys,

I am fairly new to this bow-stuff but I consider running this build in EssenceSC. I am really keen using Master Alchemist and the Veteran Bowyer nodes.

I recently acquired a decent vaal regalia

I own some Skyforth a VoV, Dying Sun. My budget for a bow will be a bit tighter and cover a 380-400ish pdps bow.

Since I suffer from league fatigue I want this, my last toon, beeing able to clear t15/16 maps. No need for insta-delete Shaper etc. just mapping with the guys having a beer, chitchat while delivering some decent damage.

You think that can be done without Master Surgeon and an insane bow? I am not really sold on insane tooltips, just want a nice work-flow and smooth sailing.

Some posts about damage, gear and price issues made me now posting this. I am aware that this kinda question came up earlier but may there is some fresh intel from all the guys and girls who are playing this in EssenceSC.

Any advice is appreciated. Feel free to pm or message me ingame: Brexit_Build


This build would provide that in spades. The posts about damage are people trying to compare a 360ex bow to a 10ex harby. People are easily running all content with decent harbys or even better, a reach of the council (highly recommend, watch the 5l reach runs in video area for an idea).

The price is well, %ES gear right now is a premium, since CI is insanely meta + it competes against low life builds going for the same gear. You pay a premium for in meta items, go figure!

You can go through the posts, multiple people running this in essence with success. You have skyforth's which is amazing, eliminates the clunky feeling of generating PC's. Just grab a vinktar, RoTC, some es gear and you'll be running everything.

Master surgeon is really for non legacy vinktar and shaper/uber atziri runs. Master alchemist should be viable in general mapping, but if you notice you're having flask charge issues just run an overflowing chalice in your setup. Could even do a Curse on Hit poachers mark, which gives frenzy + solves any mana issues (mana on kill) plus god tier flask charge regeneration.

I wouldn't of gone through all of the work, if this was just a viable build with BiS gear. You'll be fine as you already have most of the IMO main gear besides a bow, which a RoTC would cover nicely. GL and keep us in the loop!
Hey guys, can i just use Kiara's Determination Flask till i get some Skyforth? That Unique Ring kinda fucks me on the cold departmant :(
BornInHelL94 wrote:
Hey guys, can i just use Kiara's Determination Flask till i get some Skyforth? That Unique Ring kinda fucks me on the cold departmant :(

Yeah it would work, certainly. Just not a fan of sacrificing such a valuable asset like a flask slot while a ring would do the same thing. It's not ideal IMO, but absolutely would work.
BornInHelL94 wrote:
Hey guys, can i just use Kiara's Determination Flask till i get some Skyforth? That Unique Ring kinda fucks me on the cold departmant :(

Yeah it would work, certainly. Just not a fan of sacrificing such a valuable asset like a flask slot while a ring would do the same thing. It's not ideal IMO, but absolutely would work.

Thx, Other Question :D, kinda wondering about the new rings, u would say diamond is still the best ring or the steel or opal ring would be a better choice?
BornInHelL94 wrote:
Hey guys, can i just use Kiara's Determination Flask till i get some Skyforth? That Unique Ring kinda fucks me on the cold departmant :(

Yeah it would work, certainly. Just not a fan of sacrificing such a valuable asset like a flask slot while a ring would do the same thing. It's not ideal IMO, but absolutely would work.

And can u explian more about that, cuz what im saying is that if u change that oslaught flask for Kiara's, u get half the oaslaught but u get frezze, stun and curses, and in that ring slot u can put a really dmg ring or a more defensive one, can u explain your choice?

Thx, Great build though

That is my current gear setup and jewels, im at 72k barrage dps with auras and golem. Im still looking to get more dps out of this build :D any more ideas what to improve? hard to find really good jewels with ES.

Is there even way to get close to 100k without brood twine?
Is there a way to play this build with budget of 2-7 Ex?
SunL4D2 wrote:
Is there a way to play this build with budget of 2-7 Ex?

I wouldn't recommend it.
Hi i am considering also trying an inqu with this build(like it with my pathfinder but i used to do an iinqu with windripper and that was insane) did you ever try using the staff wheel on top of templar with the lioneyes jewel?

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