[2.6] Norse's Earthquake Slayer / Budget Viable / Guardian & Shaper Farmable

Kev265 wrote:
OK iv now got to end game and have tried shaper about 3 times. each time iv used all 6 portals by about half way through his fight. I think a lot of it is due to having to learn his attacks and i feel im learning where to move and stuff well but its just the sheer time it takes for me to hurt him causes me to have to avoid his attacks for quite along time.

I dont know if i should be changing gems out or shaping my passives better for his fight or what, some help would be appreciated.

i currently swap area of effect for concentrated effect on main attack but that's about it.

my gear is as follows.


I have some nice jewels in my passive tree too and that's set to public i believe.

Thank You.

I did shaper relatively comfortably (not deathless though) with a similar level of gear to you. I'd say you may even have more dps since I didn't have taste of hate, the retch, or melee damage on full life on my totem at the time. So I don't think dps is the issue here, though the fight will take longer than some of the other builds out there.

You wanna spend most of the fight circling him getting off the odd EQ attack here and there and keeping your totem up. The yellow balls he fires and the permanent vortexes in each phase are what will probably end up killing you the most. Pop your lightning trap/flasks only when he charges up the laser since that gives you a lot of time to hit him. It's also a good idea to just leap slam around the arena looking for those vortexes in phase 2 and phase 3 regularly. You can use zana's audio cues from the adds phase and the shield bubble to check if you're quick enough about it.

On another note, I watched norse's uber atziri video and cleared it easily on my first try (dropped garb, oh well). That was very well explained by him. If you haven't seen his shaper fight vid that may help.
Ty I'll try hitting him a little less and spend more time avoiding his attacks :) Iv watched all the videos Norse has put up and noticed he dosent use temp chains and uses herald of ash instead,

I tried uber atziri a while back and got hurt big time to the first boss. I can do norm atziri without getting touched by all 3 bosses now so I'll try that again soon.

Then it's just chyula to go :)
How does this build fare against a typical Juggernaut EQ for strictly Uber lab farming? I want to be able to tank Izaro while waiting for idols or charges or whatever to power up (full key runs). As well I'd like to be able to tank him when he's fully buffed and to be able to kill him when he's fully buffed. Same with Argus and traps.
Mistletoes wrote:
How does this build fare against a typical Juggernaut EQ for strictly Uber lab farming? I want to be able to tank Izaro while waiting for idols or charges or whatever to power up (full key runs). As well I'd like to be able to tank him when he's fully buffed and to be able to kill him when he's fully buffed. Same with Argus and traps.

Jugg is still probably better at doing uber lab simply because of inherent tankiness. This build is right behind Jugg's though at high levels of gear and can do lab just fine, and the ability to cull phase 3 izaro makes the fight itself a joke.

But this build is better for pretty much everything else.
Last edited by GhostyGhost on Jan 12, 2017, 1:46:22 PM
Did anyone do a Chayula Breach on this build, yet?

Chayula went down in about 15 seconds :) still at around 7 or 8 fails with shaper tho :( only ever got to his last phase once >.<
So can someone clear this up for me?

Plan to use this to farm lab. Izaro fight I put down totem, EQ to get the bleed, and run around and dodge and let the totem do the damage?
At my stage I tend to face tank him and he dies within about 10 seconds. Made a few ex in yesterday's lab :) super nice quick run haha
bigfatpat wrote:
So can someone clear this up for me?

Plan to use this to farm lab. Izaro fight I put down totem, EQ to get the bleed, and run around and dodge and let the totem do the damage?

Drop totem and attack with Earthquake. Don't eat izaros crap and you'll be fine, honestly I face tank izaro just fine.
Last edited by DarkShad0wZ on Jan 14, 2017, 8:41:11 PM
Here was the question, but it was solved. :)
Last edited by Raydiation on Jan 15, 2017, 1:27:56 PM
I've recently bought a GGG Siege Axe in league that i want to finish craft in SC and try this build as 1h/shield variant...do u think might work?

I'll go for T1 IAS, Bleeding on hit + ??? (maybe + range)...with perfect divine should be at around 460 pdps....good idea or should i just stick with 2h?

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