shrunn57 wrote:
[...] so I decided to use an Impresence amulet to get Flammability for free, and the mana reserve of Malevolence is no longer a problem. [...]

Doesn't Impresence screw up our EE due to global added fire dmg?

Darn it I forgot that. I'm playing too many builds and I'm forgetting some important details. So I guess I'll have to drop flammability back down to a CWDT, and get a better amulet. Thanks. :-(

edit: Actually I made it a self-cast, so I can get the maximum effect. It's not like we are all that busy when we play this build. :-)
Last edited by shrunn57 on Mar 21, 2019, 8:14:41 PM

I just switched from plain Righteous Fire gem to Vaal version so I could stack the two. Looking at PoB it shows the expected DPS level for Righteous Fire (330K for me at 10k life). However, for Vaal Righteous Fire, it shows a crazy high number (something like 1.5 million).

My reading of the skill description suggests VRF should do only about a third more damage than RF. Is PoB bugged on this or am I missing something? VRF certainly does not seem that powerful when I use it.

shrunn57 wrote:

[..]However, for Vaal Righteous Fire, it shows a crazy high number (something like 1.5 million). [..]

VRF bonkers crazy dmg. I remember bosses dropping like flies with VRF on ;)
Would SR-CwC-Flammability work? Altho I imagine it would be crazy mana eater.
Rf is great but not without expencive gear, what's the point doing rf if you can't facetank, you have no range to make it up the lack of tankyness.

I had a 50ex helm last league and the build was fantastic, i afk'ed uber with a full group just facetanking the boss.

Without all expencive gear rf is really not impressive, you will find bv doing far more damage with no heavy gear requirement.
Last edited by saucefar2 on Mar 22, 2019, 5:19:58 AM
What's the point for Unwavering Stance ?
I kinda guess it's for the "cannot be stunned" but is it necessary ?

Is a stun cancel our RF or is it just a QoL point ?
After using a Helm with Burning Effect for awhile, how can I add Conc Effect now?
Thank you
VRF bonkers crazy dmg. I remember bosses dropping like flies with VRF on ;)

The gem says it starts with 30% life and then multiplies that by at most 1.8, so that's about 54% of life. There is some extra burning damage with quality, but not much. Standard RF does 40% of life per second. Same multipliers from tree apply to both, as far as I know, so they should only differ by that 14%.

When I stack RF and VRF it does feel stronger, but not like nearly 2 million per second.

Is there something I don't know or am misreading or misunderstanding?
shrunn57 wrote:

I just switched from plain Righteous Fire gem to Vaal version so I could stack the two. Looking at PoB it shows the expected DPS level for Righteous Fire (330K for me at 10k life). However, for Vaal Righteous Fire, it shows a crazy high number (something like 1.5 million).

My reading of the skill description suggests VRF should do only about a third more damage than RF. Is PoB bugged on this or am I missing something? VRF certainly does not seem that powerful when I use it.

Since we're not flask hungry on this build, free up a slot for Soul Catcher if you're using VRF. You'll thank me later.

Also tip to anyone using this build: go on poe.trade and buy fractured 7% Maximum life jewels and roll them yourself. I maybe spent 1 ex in total rolling all 4 of my jewels including buying the 4 fractured jewels. I ended up with each one about an ex+ on their own.
Last edited by Avengii on Mar 23, 2019, 4:07:06 PM
Since we're not flask hungry on this build, free up a slot for Soul Catcher if you're using VRF. You'll thank me later.

Thanks! I didn't know there was a flask just for vaal skills. Never had one drop, but I see they're cheap.

I have to say that my character is feeling a bit squishy for 10k life as I push to higher levels. My armour is just at 8319, though I have it on everything but rings and weapon. My resistances are capped, fire of course overcapped. What else should I be trying to get? I don't see anything great in the passive tree.

VRF seems to be a bit risky. I've had several close calls and even one death from using it at the wrong time. If I get hit for more than 70% life about the time I hit VRF, then I'm toast. A little afraid of it now.

Hi o/

I'm curently in difficulty at the lvl 90 to do Map T13

I have 6500 hp and cap res

I understand that my damage is increased according to my maximum life and my fire damage / area dmg/elem dmg

stuff :

Have you any advice to give ^^" ?

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