
rip RF

20% less dmg
"Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym
Last edited by monkuar on Aug 2, 2017, 9:23:26 AM
damit RIP RF

the dps was slow and 20% less?! wtf?
But increased burning damage gives now 54% MORE damage, instead of increased damage, that should explain that nerf. I Think the damage is still good

The holy Fire Cluster GoT buffed

We can now Use mind Over matter

So i Think its Not that bad
Last edited by DunklerKoenig on Aug 2, 2017, 10:43:56 AM
DunklerKoenig wrote:
But increased burning damage gives now 54% MORE damage, instead of increased damage, that should explain that nerf. I Think the damage is still good

The holy Fire Cluster GoT buffed

We can now Use mind Over matter

So i Think its Not that bad

if you do the math is still a NERF for this build
got this from reddit about 3.0 changes on rf : http://i.imgur.com/Zx4d3bk.png
HISCH wrote:
DunklerKoenig wrote:
But increased burning damage gives now 54% MORE damage, instead of increased damage, that should explain that nerf. I Think the damage is still good

The holy Fire Cluster GoT buffed

We can now Use mind Over matter

So i Think its Not that bad

if you do the math is still a NERF for this build

No if you do the math it's a buff...

In 2.6 Increased burning damage was an increase of 59% and Holy Fire nodes were only 70% increase for a total increase of 129%.

In 3.0 Holy Fire nodes are 100% increase and increased burning damage is a MORE multiplier on top.

So, let's say RF did 100 damage in 2.6 and now only does 80 (20% less).

100 * (1 + 129/100) = 229

80 * (1 + 100/100) * (1.54) = 246.4

So it should be more damage unless my math is wrong.
in this Video => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UamJ88B-Gds, with Min Maxed GEAR (wich is really hard to get) it took him 2 minutes 30 sec too kill the Guardian, doese any one have a video of killing shaper with this build?
Partylizard is right, unless we are both doing the math wrong. Should be a buff.
Seems to be a buff. The only confusing part is in Demi's recent patch notes video. When he saw RF he said the changes suck and that it's a huge nerf, despite previously saying RF will be stronger in his guide. Some very mixed reactions here. These changes have been on beta for awhile right?

https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/6l3z9o/beta_righteous_fire_nerf/ (20% nerf can be seen here from a month ago)
Last edited by CylonVR on Aug 3, 2017, 12:37:48 AM
I've leveled marauder as Berserker in beta and with only 4-link RF and taking Holy Fire Node, RF damage is insane.

My Zerker is lvl 58, wearing MAGIC lvl34 scepter with 30% ele dmg and 21% increase burning damage prefix. My Fire res is 75% with life pool 2500-ish.

i did not change any gear piece since level 35 and everything dies, so shit gear (no unique items)

I did not pick other notable keystone like elemental overload and elemental equilibrium.

Life degen is mitigated using war cry....enduring and rallying. One for endu charges, other for extra damage. War Bringer ascendancy Keystone is to good

So, with same gear as Demi guide, but going to take Holy Fire node, RF build will be a lot stronger then now. Getting 10K life pool will be now much easier.

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