Inmortales-active guild (246 members) is recruiting for KALGUUR SC ,active discord!

1.Your age : 22
2.The Gateway/Region do You play on: London
3.League are You planning to play ( temp. SC/HC) Legacy Soft Core, Never played HC but I would be willing to learn.

4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week
-0 - 10 hours
-11 - 20 hours <----- RL demands some time unfortunately
-21 - 40 hours
-40 hours +
5.Your experience level in PoE (beginner's/experienced player/veteran)

I'm somewhere between beginner and experienced, I know the basics but I have A LOT to learn about the endgame etc.

6.In a few words, describe why would You like to join Inmortales:

Games are better played together. Being a part of an active well run established guild will improve my play. I am really looking forward to Legacy and it will be more fun with a guild, I also need to learn more about this game and I don't have time to sit and watch streamers, I'd rather learn by playing.

In games I prefer to play as tanky supporting characters and so far i have not had that opportunity playing solo so that is also part of my motivation.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
1.Your age - 28 will be 29, on march 3 when new league starts.

2.The Gateway/Region do You play on. - London gateway.

3.League are You planning to play ( temp. SC/HC) - SC Breach now waiting for Legacy SC.

4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week 20/30 hours a week mostly weekends, but i log in every day after work for 3/4 hours.

5.Your experience level in PoE (beginner's/experienced player/veteran) - i Play PE for about a year but its my third league now and i'm starting getting better. I can say i have some experience but i'm always open to learn more about other build. I like to play one build for full League and switch it around to see how some changes works out for me.

6.In a few words, describe why would You like to join Inmortales - mainly i want guild so i can read chat and learn from people how they play, so that i can expand myself. I have no problems to help or chat anytime i can.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
1.Your age: 20

2. London (EU)

3. Temp HC mostly

4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week
This can vastly depend on the amount of work I get in a week as my job is quite erratic. 40+ hours is possible one week, only to have under 10 the next.

5.Your experience level in PoE (beginner's/experienced player/veteran)
200hoursish, mostly in Hardcore, plenty of dead characters, not very experienced in maps honestly, but know the 4 acts quite well by this point.

6.In a few words, describe why would You like to join Inmortales
I've found playing with others to be incredibly fun, but it can be really hard to get a group of like-minded players together. Guilds sound great for this. I'm in for a good time, to make some friends maybe along the way, enjoy the game and discover some awesome loot :D
1.Your age
- I am 29 years old!

2.The Gateway/Region do You play on.
- London/Amsterdam

3.League are You planning to play ( temp. SC/HC)
- Temp. Softcore

4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week
- At the moment 40+ hours. If I have a a lot of work to do 21-40 hours. :)

5.Your experience level in PoE (beginner's/experienced player/veteran)
- experienced player

6.In a few words, describe why would You like to join Inmortales
- I would like to be a part of an friendly and active community. I like sharing experiences, having nice conversations or helping each other. I played the last two Leagues on my own and I kinda miss the social aspect in this great game. :)
1.Your age - 31
2.The Gateway/Region do You play on. - USA(Wash DC)
3.League are You planning to play ( temp. SC/HC) Both
4 20-30 hours a week
5.Your experience level in PoE - been playing for years
6.Heard it was a very active guild, which is what i am looking for. guilds have been in past die after first month or so, and i play the entire leagues.
The ORIGIONAL Rainbow Nuker on Rampage
1) age - 24
2) gateway / region london/moscow
3) temp. SC
4) 40+ for sure
5) playing seriously since perandus league
6) never been in any guilds before always played alone and it is time
enough to be alone
Last edited by lidzhad on Feb 23, 2017, 2:07:52 PM
1.Your age
2.The Gateway/Region do You play on.
3.League are You planning to play ( temp. SC/HC)
Temp Sc, might try a Temp hc too (hc with ssf tag)
4.How many hours of Path of Exile do You play a week
-0 - 10 hours
-11 - 20 hours
-21 - 40 hours<---- usually, might do more, but that's with afk's included
-40 hours +
5.Your experience level in PoE (beginner's/experienced player/veteran)
Current breach league is my first time entering maps, and got to red, so I call that experienced, however I've played in other temp leagues too, but never made a balanced char, that made getting in to mapping while having fun.
6.In a few words, describe why would You like to join Inmortales
New to guilds tbh, since I prefer leagues and this guild seems to be both in my timezone and using temp leagues, I do want to play with others time to time, and hopefully I do meet mind-liking guild-members.

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