[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert

I'm a bit of a newbie, stopped playing for 6 years and just restarted last league. I brought my character from 3.14 to Standard, and I'm now making (slow) progress in Standard.

Right now I'm level 86, running high yellow / low red maps. My gear is really pretty budget (still using Tabula Rasa haha). Most expensive item was probably the Facebreaker, I think I paid 70C for that. Otherwise I'm following all the gear recommendations almost exactly.

So.. take my experience as you will. I'm not much further than you, and I'm sure others will have more to share.

1. Survivability. I just checked, and I've died 48 times... think almost half of those were over the last week, being a bit too ambitious with the mods on my maps.

I'm using Great Old One's Ward. I mapped my Enduring Cry to my left mouse button, so it fires as soon as it cools down. I also made sure that my resistances are capped - I found it makes a lot of difference while mapping.

I'm finding now that I have to play more carefully.. no longer charging straight into groups of mobs.

2. Loreweave. I'm saving up for my 6L Loreweave too. Not sure what I'll swap to in between my current Tabula and the 6L Loreweave.

6. % physical damage. I think helps a bit, but is based on the base damage, so doesn't stack as well as you'd think. That's why stacking flat physical damage is best - increases the base damage, so the bonuses all stack from there.

7. At my level of mapping, my totems still seem pretty resilient. Mostly lasting up till their expiry rather than dying. I haven't invested in Ironwood like Xarisse suggested as an option.

8. I use flame dash a LOT to escape scary situations. Surrounded by mobs (shield charge gets blocked), or a bunch of projectiles incoming, or blocked into a corner. Or even just in labyrinth, actually.

1. Get a Loreweave with 78% resists and five link it with a harvest craft. Can buy these for 10c regularly in the discord. I'm not sure on standard prices but I got mine for around 50c and then spent another 10c 5 linking it, and then spent 4 ex on another 6l harvest craft. Get an abyssus and the redblade banner shield. The warcries infinite power this is incredibly nice. All of this is definitely possible for under and exalt and will add so much to the build. Abyssus with the warchief enchant was only like 60c so that would be my next suggestion as well.

2. See above.

6. Yes. Our base damage is low so we want to 'add' as much physical damage to that as possible.

7. In rippy maps the totems definitely get low but had no issues with them dying so far.

8. Yes.
Last edited by Xarisse on Aug 10, 2021, 3:33:35 PM
Xarisse wrote:
Been messing with the POB posted a couple pages back that was updated for 3.15 and did a few changes to the tree myself and thought I would share.

Moved two points from the Scion life wheel to the Barbarism node (Just below Resolute Technique). This gives us the same amount of life as those 2 nodes, but also gives us 3% all resists, and an additional 8% fire resist. The node would normally give you +1 to maximum fire resist, but because we use Loreweave it doesn't. Either way this is still a net gain and you can get them earlier.

I also took away the +30 int node at Marauder start and one of the scion health wheel nodes and put them both in the purity of flesh wheel to finish it off. This takes away 30 int for ~78 life and 4 chaos resist. The scion wheel node is a loss of ~20 health for 4 chaos resist.

Some other things you could do that I'm not sure if I will or not yet:

2 points from scion wheel into getting Ironwood (30% totem life, 20% ele resist for totem, 15% additional phys reduction, and 400 armor to ourselves). Lose ~180 life for this. I'm not sure if it is good or not. I think this amounts to roughly 2-3% physical damage reduction so I'm not sure if it would be worth it from that, but our totems get pretty beefy with the other stats.

Could move one point from scion wheel into the melee damage and life node at Marauder start. Giving up ~40 life for 13k dps. Might be worth it later.

Could move one point from scion wheel to life and armor wheel (just below endurance charge point). Trading ~20 health for ~350 armor.

Could move 2 points from scion wheel to another endurance charge. Don't believe this worth it. Would be ~200 health for 6% physical damage reduction and some additional resists that basically mean nothing.

Quoting this for visibility reasons, and to post the POB link. Also to clarify about Multistrike vs Fire Penetration vs Multiple Totems. Just by messing around in the POB the numbers say this:
3.88m 4.18m 3.87m

FP = Fire Pen MT = Multiple Totems MS = Multistrike.
Obviously this increases if you have Awakened Multistrike and Awakened Fire Pen. The absolute highest Shaper DPS is getting rid of multiple totems and using the other two, but then you only have 3 totems. Make use of that info however you will. I personally prefer having the extra 2 totems. Other than that, I would personally say to use Fire Penetration mainly because it's just going to be a much cheaper gem than awakened multistrike. As of the time of writing this, level 1 20% Awakened Multistrike is 14ex, and level 1 20% Awakened Fire Penetration is 40 chaos.


The only changes I made from the original build are the first change I mentioned moving points from scion life to Barbarism. Before I got to the scion life wheel I would also allocate the last points in the Barbarism wheel and the Juggernaut wheel and then after you get the strength node right before the Scion life wheel you could respec if you wanted to. I also changed up the Facebreakers to what they should be currently. The old POB was using applies level 13 elemental weakness when the current version is Applies Elemental Weakness with #% increased effect. Also changed the flasks to what their current mods are because of the 3.15 changes.

Also want to mention that after picking up my 15% reduced reservation shield I don't feel like I need Clarity any more because my mana pool is so massive that I don't use anywhere near most of it. I feel like there are two possible options here. Could remove Mana Flows (Duelist start) and the mana node leading to it and respec them, or you could get rid of Clarity and pick up some other aura (Vitality or Portal?). As far as respeccing the Mana Flows nodes I think I would put them either At the other Marauder start node and then in Scion life wheel, just the Scion life wheel, endurance charge, or put them to finish off Barbarism/Juggernaut wheels. Could also do the Ironwood node for Totem durability.

If you want more damage I think your best bets are the other Marauder start node, and Path of the Warrior (by Scion life wheel.

If any of this information is wrong or false then please let me know and I will change it asap.
Last edited by Xarisse on Aug 11, 2021, 11:05:18 AM
Thanks Xarisse, amazing work!

Is Totemic Zeal near the Scion life wheel worth working towards for DPS, or is that a bit too far away?
Thanks Xarisse, amazing work!

Is Totemic Zeal near the Scion life wheel worth working towards for DPS, or is that a bit too far away?

I think the biggest issue is how do you get it? I don't think it is better than any other dps nodes so the points are going to have to come from defenses, jewel sockets, or utility nodes so let's look at them.

To start, Totemic Zeal gives us roughly let's say 250k DPS, and about 15 life. Anything we give up, this is what we get in return.

1) Get rid of 2 Purity of Flesh wheel nodes, and 2 Bloodless nodes. Lose ~350 health and 8% chaos resist. This will definitely put us below 6k health.

2) Jewel sockets not worth giving up. Have to give up 2 Jewels to get it. 2 Jewels = 18% attack speed minimum and health.

3) I don't see any warcry nodes I am currently comfortable giving up.

I think the best way to go about it would be to give up Mana Flows, and then 2 of either the Purity of Flesh nodes or the Bloodless nodes.

So 20 Int, 186 mana, 23 mana regen, and either 156 life and 8% chaos res or 195 life. for 250k dps. I think that is pretty much your best bet and I just don't believe it is worth it.

Do we want it? Of course. I just believe we can't really afford it.
Last edited by Xarisse on Aug 12, 2021, 12:54:01 PM
what is the order of the damage mods that one must search in general appart of physical damage flat, i read that attack speed its one of the best alongside with physical and global physical? its that true? what about area damage, fire damage, totem damge, fire penetration, etc... i think that will be good a explanation about that things, i think that maybe its good go for another tipe of % multiplier when you have a lot of one, for example if you have 200% fire damage add 10% more its not the same that add 10% more to your total damage from a diferent tipe of damage im in the correct?
Last edited by pablodinakinsito on Aug 15, 2021, 1:45:22 AM
what is the order of the damage mods that one must search in general appart of physical damage flat, i read that attack speed its one of the best alongside with physical and global physical? its that true? what about area damage, fire damage, totem damge, fire penetration, etc... i think that will be good a explanation about that things, i think that maybe its good go for another tipe of % multiplier when you have a lot of one, for example if you have 200% fire damage add 10% more its not the same that add 10% more to your total damage from a diferent tipe of damage im in the correct?

Use POB to find out which is better. If you're asking about gems specifically I believe that attack speed is the best mod you could get. So attack speed while holding shield, attack speed, life, and then another damage mod would be the best thing for damage, but a gem with all of that is going to run you a pretty penny.
Finally updated this Build to 3.15

new PoB: https://pastebin.com/sf3rAFXs

Yes its late i know, but i have alot of real life sh*t going on atm. I recently got the major recurrent depression diagnoses by me therapist which also keeps away a lot of motivation out of my life for over 15 years now. I hope you can understand that this has a huge impact of many kinds of my everyday life like updating this Build etc.

Im also very burnt out by PoE itself. Meanwhile over 9k hours into it and the recent changes were a big downer for me. I hope this gets better with the recent annouced Endgame changes from the Baeclast, we will see.

Anyway as i said i updated all stuff like gear, tree, gems etc so if you have any questions feel free to ask me and/or give feedback ;)

I decided to remove the timeless jewel because a) totem will cost also rage since some leagues and b) it reduces our overall mana reg. i also decided against "Magmatic Strikes" for the converion and stay with Avatar of Fire because AoF gives 100% conversion which means our totems are elemental reflect proof. "Magmatic Strikes" + the little node infront of it would only go with 90% Conversion.


btw if any have such a shield i would appriciate it to take it a for a sec, so i can add it into the build
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf on Aug 17, 2021, 2:21:16 PM
Thank you for all your work. Hope things go well for you. Can this build still do all content?
Hey. Thanks for the update.
I'm really into something new this league (traps were not my playstyle.)
Like Kablamn asked earlier - Sirus / maven doable with some investments?

Has anybody tried to swap, let's say conc path totem for example, for map clear and switch back to ancestral for bossing?


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