[3.17] The Warchief | [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief | Uber Boss Farmer | Beginner -> Expert

One more question, I'm pretty much done with the low-budget build (I even was lucky with Belly of the Beast that drooped and I'm working on 5-link it). I'm wondering what I should do next. I'm guessing the focus should maxing the properties on gear I already have (sell the old get a better new one). I'm wondering what the order should be.

The first two that comes in mind are Abysus and Facebreakers. My current Facebreakers Unarmed physical damage is quite low (640%) - so I guess I can bring it closer to 800 (780-800) for a lot of damage boost.

My Abysus comes with 45% increased physical damage taken. I'm guess I can bring it to 40% to take less damage.

But before I'm using my currency on optimization, I figured I'll come and ask which items I should optimize first for the best 'value for money'.


Last edited by Ranculos on Sep 13, 2017, 10:38:33 AM
Hello, i would like to play a warchief build for HHC
Cant decide between this and liftingnerds, is this one also HC viable?

Thanks in before :)
Im trying this build and i have the problam maintaining the flasks on bosses. i have the feeling the damage depends so much on theses flasks and i wast so much of the flask time :(.

i like the AW playstyle but this variant does not work to good for me. r there some bossing vids on the 3.0 patch?
Ranculos wrote:
One more question, I'm pretty much done with the low-budget build (I even was lucky with Belly of the Beast that drooped and I'm working on 5-link it). I'm wondering what I should do next. I'm guessing the focus should maxing the properties on gear I already have (sell the old get a better new one). I'm wondering what the order should be.

The first two that comes in mind are Abysus and Facebreakers. My current Facebreakers Unarmed physical damage is quite low (640%) - so I guess I can bring it closer to 800 (780-800) for a lot of damage boost.

My Abysus comes with 45% increased physical damage taken. I'm guess I can bring it to 40% to take less damage.

But before I'm using my currency on optimization, I figured I'll come and ask which items I should optimize first for the best 'value for money'.


I think for now in between gear would work and once you get everything you can switch to the higher budget.

Belly 6 link should be your absolute final item hands down, It doesn't even give a huge boost if you have a 6 link with over 100 hp. Try the cheap route for now and get a 6 link with hp while working on your Belly.

http://poe.trade/search/rarariuteyomei Here's a ton of affordable 6 links in the build colors that are way more affordable for now before you get a 6 link belly.

Rings and amulet are pretty sizeable boosts in damage my major jumps came from the 2 steel rings and amulet.

If you don't care too much for the Atziri boots, Redblade Tramplers are a really good choice that give damage/life/speed/fire resist/immunity to burning ground. Death's door are also a great choice in the future due to making bleeding a non issue and just by having good stats but they can be pricy.

The gloves are a must, but if you don't want to spend 30-60 chaos for maxed ones its not a huge issue considering that final 10% difference from say 790 to 800 is really small so just get 790s if you can't afford it on top of everything else.

Flasks upgrade your damage by alot on use but will be a bit pricy I think I paid 350-360 chaos for taste of hate and sins rebirth together.

You could upgrade your shield before going tukohama's, It's really cheap to get a better roll. http://poe.trade/search/noaukatokasoar

Tukohama's is personal preference, I've used both and I agree that it makes gameplay way smoother but it comes at the cost of not having a cheap way to gain extra damage and as Elua mentioned, if all 3 totems aren't hitting the target you're doing less damage.

Cheapest upgrades for now, Boots>better shield>Gloves>Low damage taken Abyssus*>6 link armor with 100+ life>Death's Door*>Flasks=Rings/Amulet>Tukohama's>6 link Belly

*= You can get these later as they don't affect your damage too much.


Hello, i would like to play a warchief build for HHC
Cant decide between this and liftingnerds, is this one also HC viable?

Thanks in before :)

This build is really dangerous with the Abyssus setup, Lifting's build is pretty safe so I would recommend that over this safety wise.


Im trying this build and i have the problam maintaining the flasks on bosses. i have the feeling the damage depends so much on theses flasks and i wast so much of the flask time :(.

i like the AW playstyle but this variant does not work to good for me. r there some bossing vids on the 3.0 patch?

Yeah you have to plan when you use your flasks, but I wouldn't say it completely relies on the flasks. If you have a huge issue with it you could replace your freeze flask with the overflowing chalice and use it while trying to regain charges during a mob phase of a fight. Good rings and an amulet would go a long way damage wise too if the flasks alone aren't cutting it.

Last edited by cfreyrun on Sep 13, 2017, 4:55:42 PM
Hey all,this is my very first character that made past lvl 80 and i would really appreciate some comments about my gear or about anything :D
deviltoist wrote:
Hey all,this is my very first character that made past lvl 80 and i would really appreciate some comments about my gear or about anything :D

Rings, and amulet upgrades would add a ton but they can be pricy(steel rings and high physical damage amulet).

Get Redblade Tramplers if you need more damage and don't mind losing the spell dodge.

A better ward is cheap for a small boost

Better gloves for a slight boost in damage.

Try getting a low increased damage roll Abyssus or switch to Deidbellow if you're getting killed too often

Flasks are another jump but Taste of Hate and Sin's Rebirth are expensive. Lion's Roar is a cheap flask however.
Belly 6 link should be your absolute final item hands down

Well, I was lucky an those dropped for me while mapping:

I'm working on 5 linking it. You still think a 6 link with 100 HP is worth more then those with 5 link?

I did couple of changes. First - the Gloves. Thank you :-)
Secondly, I upgrade my Boots as you mentioned to :

They have slightly less life, but more Damage all around. Also, I upgraded my Shield - again, I had to lose 2 HP for the higher damage:

I'm doing Tier 10 maps, but I only have around 36 Chaos orbs left. I guess I'm not that efficient on selling stuff yet :-) With that amount, I can't do the upgrade you mentioned like the new Shield, or the Death's boots. I guess I'll wait you answer about the 6 Link before spending anymore currently.

Thanks again for all your help mate!

I'm working on 5 linking it. You still think a 6 link with 100 HP is worth more then those with 5 link?

The 6 link adds more damage, so I guess it's really up to you, I found a belly and it only gave me a few hundred more HP than my chest, so it wasn't a huge priority for me.

Fusings can be used to get chaos if you prefer getting money over trying to fuse your belly, I think the average usage is like 12-1400 fusings for a 6 link and 1500 for a Vorici guarantee. Right now the going rate for fusings is roughly 2 fusings for 1 chaos so if you do get tired of trying to roll, you could use fusings to fund everything else if need be.
Last edited by cfreyrun on Sep 13, 2017, 8:27:52 PM
Is Diedbellow the best alternative to Abyssus? I seem to be taking a little too much damage with it and was looking for something to use at least temporarily until I solve some suvivability issues.

Also what is the best order to cast the spells? I'm new to the build and wasn't sure if I should totems then enduring cry. Then use Lion's roar or is it best in some other order?
Last edited by Askani127 on Sep 14, 2017, 3:18:20 AM
IDK man i dont think i will be able to get a better amy this league mybee rings the only thing else i need is the boots. dont get me wrong clearing is fine but the damage in longer boss fights where u have to doge much stuff cause ur squishy as fuck is a problem, Minutaur and Coloseaum for example wreaks me hard and takes like forever.
Last edited by joscha on Sep 14, 2017, 3:56:49 AM

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