Ossey SSF Log

Update at 99.5;

Not a huge amount to add. Pace at 98/99 has been awful as work gets in the way. Will push for a top 10 finish next league.

Only noteworthy addition is finally linking the Loreweave and lucking out with 6W sockets. Hope everyone is enjoying the league!
Delve 1 month update;

Started the league as a BV chieftain, not entirely sure why I did that as I know BV isn't my cup of tea. Made it to 93 before abandoning ship. Created a trapper after Incursion 100 to see if I enjoyed the playstyle, and when I did i re-made it in Incursion flashback before work got in the way. Decided to finally play it to a reasonable level, and his gear stands as such at 96;

Decided this wasn't a league I wanted to push to 100, so after finding a Windripper and chancing a 30% QotF, decided to begin a long-term goal of farming a HH;

Long way to go, casually doing 20-30 Burials when I have the opportunity.

Realised I much of the gear for a CI, molten strike Jugg, so re-spec'd the abandoned chieftain and have been enjoy mapping/delving with it, as it's certainly a strong Delve build;

Aside from accidentally vaaling my shield, it's going well.

After 3 six links in 10k~ fusings last league, my luck has turned around this league.

The last two dropping as six linked.

Finally, a selection of cool or interesting items found/crafted along the journey so far;

Sorry for long post, like to keep written record of things. Hope everyone's enjoying the league.
OhSwa, Molten Strike + CI Jugg, 100 @ 27/10/2018

Super fun 100 push, very chill and relaxed. Tab of cool things at the end of the push & league;

And two bricked 6 links just for fun;

Hope everyone had a fun league! Not that this matters to anyone, but this post will be retired as it seems unfitting to continue to spam this section.
Last edited by OsseyA on Oct 29, 2018, 8:02:06 AM
Great work on this SSF journey. It’s impressive how much gg stuff you found or linked.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Daresso wrote:
Great work on this SSF journey. It’s impressive how much gg stuff you found or linked.

I realise this is about 6 months late but thanks, appreciate it.

Missed betrayl due to vacation and decided synthesis wasn't for me, taking time to work on unique collection in SSF perm. Currently at 667/884 (Kaoms, Martyr of Innocence, Mark of the Shaper, Dying Sun and Chains of command not listed, using them.)

One of the best rares i've ever ID'd came from uber elder this week too;

Hope you're all enjoying Synthesis!
Last edited by OsseyA on Apr 7, 2019, 10:25:05 AM

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