☆ Sarang's Characters | 1K Pretzel Eating Team | Road to 100 3/7 ☆

Hi everyone,

I'm posting my in-progress or finished characters here. It's time to quit playing so many alts and get back to casually pushing 100!

Right now playing with Shaped Strategy, 3 Sextants & Beyond for best XP. T10 to T15 Shaped depend on the build. Underground Sea the entire way.

https://www.twitch.tv/sarangpoe >>> I stream sometimes.





3.5 Tempest Thunder TS/Barrage CI Assassin (98 as of 1/23/2019)

Origin: Incursion

Thanks for reading!
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Jan 24, 2019, 1:33:34 AM
Last bumped on Oct 11, 2018, 1:41:29 AM
Pretty sick gear mate. Good luck on your way to 100, whenever you decide to go for it!
Enki91 wrote:
Pretty sick gear mate. Good luck on your way to 100, whenever you decide to go for it!

Hi Enki ^^

Hopefully will be soon. Going for 40/40 so probably not too much longer!

Update to include PSC Characters. 36/40 today. Rest of Challenges are just grinds, to be completed as time goes on. No more pressure though, hehe.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL

Updated Voltaxic LA Raider, hit 100 today!

40/40 in Prophecy completed a while ago. Planning on mapping with the PSC Guardian for the remainder of the league.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Grats man! How long did 99 > 100 take you with the horribly nerfed exp gain?
Enki91 wrote:
Grats man! How long did 99 > 100 take you with the horribly nerfed exp gain?

Thanks :3

I did grind as much as I could prior to 2.3 so I only had 38% to go. Actually went the safer route and did mostly Yellow Maps, and I had a pile of them accumulated from just doing Standard Zana Dailies while I was playing Prophecy. Because of the fps spikes + preload lag I am having this patch I had to go super slow, so overall time was small 1-2 hour sessions drawn over a couple of weeks.

In terms of map investment, rough numbers are from my recollection, depending on how many blue/rare mobs you get:

Springs: ~600-700K each
Plateau: ~500-600K each
Gorge: ~450-500K each
Canyon: ~300-350K each

Ran Alch'ed Pack Size until about 90%, then started doing just Blues. Rip'ed to some unfortunate circumstances at 96% (last mob of Spawn of Abaxoth + lag from Bameth spawning + Bameth casting Temp Chains + nick an Extra Fast Volatile running at my face to kill it). Friend sold me some Gorge/Plateau to help out and catch back up. Overall with most of the pool being Gorges/Canyons/Lakes it took probably close to 300 total maps to complete 38% + 10% more for the death.

I'd say that overall I'm less annoyed by the experience penalty itself but rather the really disproportionate death penalty with how much the maps give now, especially when at least for my experience, the game performance is probably the most deadly thing.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Congrats again Sarang...cool to finally see your gear. I would've never guessed you were using a Kaom's. :)
Added the two current characters I'm playing in ESC and Standard ^^

Slowly climbing with the Guardian, not sure if 100 is possible but willing to give it a go.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Sep 28, 2016, 2:06:09 AM
I rarely post here anymore, but this is worth it I guess:

Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Got a two week or so dead period at work so I guess it's time to play some again.

Just going to keep in-progress pushing characters here, but hoping to get 100 on this guy. Pretty smooth so far, I completely dropped Uber Elder hunting and optimized Atlas for Shaped Haunted Mansions -- feels good. Grabbing ~8 million or so an hour at 99, basically means about 40-50 hours of playtime will finish the job. Most gems are 21/20 or optimally corrupted, hopefully the rest will be by the time I'm done.

Exploring some of the Pantheons as well, I'm using Solaris and Gruthkul right now, but I actually want to change my Boot Enchant and give Brine King a go. Also looking for a current Acuity so I can play the whole level without Instant Leech.

It's also fucking crazy to look at how much power creep there is. That screenshot above versus the 100 I got 2 years ago. Holy shit.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Mar 25, 2018, 5:11:46 PM

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