|||||| [2.5.2d] The Endless Retch (Updated 1/29 w/Temp League Guide!) ||||||

Last edited by raz0rxxx on Sep 5, 2016, 11:34:57 PM
Last edited by raz0rxxx on Sep 5, 2016, 11:34:51 PM
Last edited by raz0rxxx on Sep 5, 2016, 11:34:39 PM
thanks Flurb as always your a friend to keep update with our questions ;)

well about using head hunter jewel by dropping some nodes and losing some dps

i rather lose 20\30k dps ( based on god-end game gear)
and use head hunter, cos u guys realize how much is fa**ing faster this build?
its absolutly comparable to GOD-MIRROR GEAR blade vortex LL !

using more mods from mosnter would insanely speed your fun! by infinite!


Yeah Flurb as you sad
using 2 of the new flat phys ring would be lot cool
same for a rare amulet with phys rolls inside

because i also read your reply about ("why crit chance if we dont need it?" BEcause of the notable node that grants 40% increase ele damage if we crit in past 8 secs")


UP again hoping he will add infinite videos.... c mon man!
not just t16!
but lot more just for fun!
like 10 videos each day!
This is likely the only melee build that can compete with a ranged build in terms of clear speed.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Headhunter jewel is out of question, at least for me, too much investment, losing life and damage, I can't justify it. Use it if you must, but I think it is not worth it.

The idea of a rare ammy, with more beneficial stats and a new ring is still experimental, I don't have the currency right now to test this and crafting is always pretty nasty.

This is likely the only melee build that can compete with a ranged build in terms of clear speed.

true, I can hold my ground against bow builds, even with mirrored bows, in many maps you are even faster and you are not squishy though you are melee. Sorry Nephalim, I have no idea how to quote you, so it appears as your quote, I hope it is obvious.
Well, I just did a 8 mod T16 Hydra with this build. Need to find out a way to get flask charges, I had to zone out and in 5 times to kill it.
raz0rxxx wrote:
Well, I just did a 8 mod T16 Hydra with this build. Need to find out a way to get flask charges, I had to zone out and in 5 times to kill it.

That's basically the disadvantage of flask! builds that aren't bv pathfinder. Happens to me on my DoT eq build with legacy flasks and retch.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
Yeah, I will try to launch a pathfinder edition of this build. Though we lose the extra chaos damage from slayer overkill leech, we can just run around and wait for our flask charges to refill. Probably only a boss killer, but we will see.
Why not go on the left of the tree and get more HP and other things?Or skill on banks?

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