[3.3] Unstoppable Gladiator 78% Max Block/Spells. Best Low Budget League Starter

Darksagex wrote:
So I can confirm this build is HC viable. I hit 90 yesterday after 2 failed attempts (Level 77 and Level 83. My first time playing HC, I've always played softcore :D)

I went a bit different than with what the OP went with.

My gear:


I added a +1 to block jewel to hit max block on tree with Tempest Shield and the 8 block Ascendancy. Block in hideout is 67/67.

The only mods I've avoided were -Block/Armor, Physical Reflect, -Max resistances, no leech. All others are absolutely doable, even Elemental Reflect because of leech.

I went with a 6 Endurance Charge setup, so I can have charges up BEFORE I get hit, which has saved my ass more than once :D

My tree:


I'll admit I never broke T11 maps (bad RNG), but I can imagine that the build tanks everything even higher without issue. I haven't done Uber Lab because I am missing a trial, will have to do at some point as well ;)


phy reflect maps are doable, just swap COnc Effect with Physical to Lightning, and Added Fire for Weapon Elemental Damage, and you're good to go for all ele reflect maps. there's no drop in dps with this setup.

-block/armor is a complete no no for this build. i tried it once. never again.

no regen map: need to remove blood rage from gem setup. i replace it with culling strike +tempest shield for some QoL

ele reflect: did you off both auras? i find myself having difficulty doing ele reflect maps, having to replace Added Fire with Life Leech

with your gear you can facetank uber lab no problem.

map wise: i've cleared everything up to T15, even twinned bosses. don't think i have the skills to do guardians.

below is my gear:

Location: Singapore GMT+8
CliffAhead wrote:
Big Quote

No, I kept Auras up. I was able to outleech the damage, on top of having endurance charges up.

I always rolled over -Block. Maps that had -6% res or so I rolled through without issues. I only rolled over if it was something like -10/11.

Still missing one trial and HC is dead atm :(
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Hey guys. First I want to say this build is the most fun I've had playing POE. Some awesome work went into creating it and I feel a debt of gratitude for those who figured out the mind-boggling math on this. That said, I'm obviously no veteran or super theory-crafter but I wanted to share some hilarious results I've had.

I got a random drop Ahn's Heritage, and I decided to play around with it.

I must say, the already insane attack speed is even more ridiculous with permanent Onslaught.

I'm sure I'll get laughed out of the forums for using something that gives -10% max block, but for my mileage, it's is unbelievable.

so... there ya go. Feel free to flame the newb now.
Hey nice build!, I am new to the game and am using this build, i really enjoy it, i use sunder/EQ because i just prefer them but i love the flexibility of it. I have 2 questions,

1. The left over 11 skill points in the tree, are they to be used however i want them to be?

2. I notice that you have 64 Intelligence and level the gems up to around that instead of getting an 10+ Int node and leveling them higher(Herald of ash 68 int for lv 20 for example), is there a reason for this? it confuses me a little.

Thanks, have heaps of fun on this

as Legacy League gets extended, i might try my hand on this build.
seems fun. was playing lazy Pala as my first POE char and liked it beside the fact you had to run bad uniques for spell block. this build doesnt seem to suffer from this.
(otherwise i would do it in Standard)

i was about to buy me a Relic Soul Taker...but some guys just seem to manipulate prices and buy every good rolled one to relist for insane amounts.

if i would buy me a Varanustra instead, would be dps suffer a lot?
(whats a good corruption for us? we dont need accuracy anyways, no?)
i am aiming high and would like to be able to clear most content.
(got Relic BoR, Red Nightmare ect)

another thing i havent read about anywhere:
the 5% Fire to Chaos conversion from The Red Nightmare is abusable by our build in any way?
some good fire based attack skill? or isnt it worth the trouble?

Last edited by DrDurdle on May 15, 2017, 7:47:24 PM
DrDurdle wrote:
as Legacy League gets extended, i might try my hand on this build.
seems fun. was playing lazy Pala as my first POE char and liked it beside the fact you had to run bad uniques for spell block. this build doesnt seem to suffer from this.
(otherwise i would do it in Standard)

i was about to buy me a Relic Soul Taker...but some guys just seem to manipulate prices and buy every good rolled one to relist for insane amounts.

if i would buy me a Varanustra instead, would be dps suffer a lot?
(whats a good corruption for us? we dont need accuracy anyways, no?)
i am aiming high and would like to be able to clear most content.
(got Relic BoR, Red Nightmare ect)

another thing i havent read about anywhere:
the 5% Fire to Chaos conversion from The Red Nightmare is abusable by our build in any way?
some good fire based attack skill? or isnt it worth the trouble?

the Red Nightmare is there mainly for 2 things:
- block chance
- endurance charge generation

Bought the gem as my 2nd last upgrade (before Surrender) and the difference is insane. max endurance charges all the time + artic armour + max block = ridiculous tankiness.

of cos you could do without the gem, but you'll get it.. eventually.

RE: varanustra. there's a skill tree for that in the 1st page.

i've tried both but prefer soul taker eventually. main reason: i'm lazy and don't wanna have to worry about mana issues, and shield charge/leap slam feels better for me than whirling blades.
Location: Singapore GMT+8
i already got a Red Nightmare, i was just wondering how a build that benefits from the other mods (block chance/endurance charge) could also milk the 5% chaos conversion on top.
got me a +3 Molten Strike relic BoR just in case^^

Relic Soul Taker is just too expensive for me atm, might wait until speculation spikes come down a bit now that league got extended.

as long as the damage is good enough with Varunastra, i am fine.
For the red nightmare jewel what level would be best to use it? should I invest in it already at level 69? I just started maps with this build and struggling where to go with it.
I just got bringer of rain and about to work that into the build but not sure what upgrade next or what i'm missing?
I'm playing HC so scared to die xD
sakuramoo wrote:
For the red nightmare jewel what level would be best to use it? should I invest in it already at level 69? I just started maps with this build and struggling where to go with it.
I just got bringer of rain and about to work that into the build but not sure what upgrade next or what i'm missing?
I'm playing HC so scared to die xD

Open up your character and we can take a look.
Thanks for the build. I started playing at the end of Essence League and this is by far one of the most fun builds I've played. This is the first melee build I've tried and it's a blast. I've mapped up to T14 so far in parties and have had no trouble at all.

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