3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

roguemjb wrote:
I already know Umbra is going to tell you to go back and read the guide lol. This build stacks as much life as possible and is not concerned with evasion or dodge. Sell the chest for a belly or something with lots more life and resists. Same with the helm, get a 100+ life triple res helm with str on it. And change out your gems and Dual Strike, Added Cold is no bueno. Your neck needs life on it. Your MH axe isn't 20%. Those are biggest changes I see. This build is about tanking the hits with a huge life pool and leeching back up immediately with high phys damage.

hahaha you're awesome Rogue, correct in every sentence.

The guide also has the info you want Cskeong, I mean, it is 50,000 characters long.

I emailed you Rogue

Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Last edited by Umbra_the_Wolf on Jun 11, 2017, 7:54:24 PM
yes i do know what this build is all about. unfortunately i don't have a 6l belly.working on 6l it but until then i will have to make do with the 6l perfect form that i have and nope not going to trade the perfect form away. as for the reason i am using added cold it's because it cost a ton of chromes to get 4R2G on perfect form. this build is far from finished particularly the armor n hp.the deviation to the tree is to fit with what i have at the moment.and i gotta admit.silly me did not quality my axe lol.thanks for pointing that out.
Last edited by cskeong1 on Jun 11, 2017, 9:18:26 PM
You're better off doing exactly what every other poor person wanting my build does:
get a non-legacy bringer of rain, use Rumi for added block to compensate for lower health and DPS, then follow my build guide.

You do realize that non-leg BoR is dirt cheap and you can fight Shaper for 5ex range on my budget build instead of grinding this hard and pulling out your hair? This is one of the reasons I often don't reply on forums, haha people often like to bang their heads against walls instead. It's cool you wanna do your thing but if you ask advice but then turn it down don't be surprised when you can't git gud at something you won't do correctly. Reading my guide for budget build will take you to T16 tanking. It's better than the stupid salvaging you're trying to "make work" rather than going with the true flow of how my dual striker kicks butt.

Currently I'm playing Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne. Lol. Yeah, imagine my learning curve on those games. Guess what I did for the first hour? Pull my hair out lol.
.... I had to ask lots of advice from my betters on forums, seek info on builds, find my own play style and then commit like I was being put in a mental hospital. Talk about some hard games. A tank style player goin' head first in the single hardest series of games ever made, no one in that series even knows the word tank!! lol too bad I can't dual strike in those games.

Best of luck bro!
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
got it bro.worry not. i am like about 50c away from 6l belly.soon...soon and oh by the way i'm not pulling out my hair at all.tried core yesterday.2 deaths but cleared. so it's good this variation for the moment.
Last edited by cskeong1 on Jun 13, 2017, 8:05:39 AM

Not sure if you have already answered this but is this build 3.0 viable?
dawg87 wrote:

Not sure if you have already answered this but is this build 3.0 viable?

Should be! I'll be ready to update when 3.0 rolls out for everyone after beta finishes
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
Hey Umbra just wanted to thank you and Soup heaps for this awesome build guide / thread!
Having a blast with this toon holy crap. I might even git gud one of these days running this guy! I'm building budget as, but got both axes at 1.88 aps, one of which is soultaker of course. A couple levels away from a really nicely rolled Bringer of rain, saving for the voidheart ring atm. Once again thanks a lot for the time you have put into this, most fun Ive had in a game since I don't know when.

Last edited by kavakava on Jun 14, 2017, 1:15:17 AM
kavakava wrote:
Hey Umbra just wanted to thank you and Soup heaps for this awesome build guide / thread!
Having a blast with this toon holy crap. I might even git gud one of these days running this guy! I'm building budget as, but got both axes at 1.88 aps, one of which is soultaker of course. A couple levels away from a really nicely rolled Bringer of rain, saving for the voidheart ring atm. Once again thanks a lot for the time you have put into this, most fun Ive had in a game since I don't know when.

Hell yeah man, you are so freakin' welcome
Posts like these keep me at this!
Dual Striker Leech Tank, creator since 11/2014
I definitely want to try using Brutality instead of Added Fire / Hatred. This frees up 50% of mana (Haste or Purity of Elements?) and the added phys damage from Brutality supposedly affects both bleeds and poisons also, since it is more physical damage for and resulting from the skill, which should affect ailments the skill creates. And also, fuck ele damage, we want moar phys!

Also, I am curious how well the Chance to Bleed gem would stack up against Bloodlust, with that flat phys damage, it could be a strong contender. The Maim gem is also pretty intriguing. I dislike the restrictive nature of Bloodlust, and look forward to some variety.
i absolutely fell in love with this bad boy build in Legacy...never got to finish it past T5's as i got on to beta....but i be damned if i dont unleash this kraken in 3.0 though!

Sincere Thanks and appreciation! GG!

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