3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]

triwesterki wrote:
upgrade your boots and belt, then try "voidheart"+bloodlust.

we don't need chaos resistance because
1. we can survive all chaos damage in game easy. there are no monsters with dangerous chaos damage
2. chaos damage can not be reflected, like elemental or physical
i ran through all game content with -60 chaos resistance, just using "atziri's promise" and i feel happy.
3. we have to use every suffix on every item, chaos res is waste
-34% ele res on map with ele-weakness
-60% merciless penalty
169*3=507% total elemental resistance
we use 4 rare items(except axe) or 12 suffixes for all our needs.
also suffixes are +intelligence, %attack speed

Nice -- thanks again!
Hello i have ben following your guide and its great fun but i have a question.
How do you end up with 100k+ dps dual strike? im only on 37k atm i do not yet have the aspect of carnage for 40% more damage and my gear is not mint like yours but its not to bad i whode say tho. have all the dps nodes only missing some life and jewels on the talent tree. so what am i missing? to get closer to that nummber? the 40% more damage shode only get me arund 52k thats still only hafe the way there.
1) like any melee build our main source of damage is weapon
use poe trade, you need 300+ pDps, 1.65+ aps axe, peferably siege axe
2) 20lvl/20quality gems provide at least +10k dps
3) jewels, you know
4) if you use bloodlust/voidheart, notice bloodlust is not included in tooltip
5) if i guess wrong set your characters "public" in account settings on forum, i could look closely.
hey was thinking about giving this build a try in the essence league got a marauder that i was using rf and well just got bored and want to switch things up. I was reading in the forum at the end game gear part and kinda read to me that shaper only viable if u have legacy gear so do u guys not think its viable to do shaper in essence league or just not as easily as it would be with legacy gear?
before i picked up voidheart i failed like 5 runs with all legacy items and 150k dps using added fire gem. battle lasted so long, and all ground was covered with puddles. i had no chance to dodge his slam. but with voidheart i killed him with first attempt.
to kill shaper you need 200k dps and 7.5k+ life. i'm not sure it's possible without 400+ pdps axe. there is one in essense atm.
viable to do shaper but with very big investments and probably some changes, like get more intelligence on items for using 20lvl/20q vulnerability or vaal lightning trap.
Last edited by triwesterki on Nov 4, 2016, 5:56:05 AM
Hello agien Crasylegs here forgot to lock in with my steam acount.
whode you mind taking a look at my stuff Triwesterki?
Crasyhead wrote:
Hello agien Crasylegs here forgot to lock in with my steam acount.
whode you mind taking a look at my stuff Triwesterki?

all good i think you have not any problems with leveling up to 90.
you have 37k dps, but against bleeding enemies - 59% more
sources of dps you can get:
1. +10k - gems 20lvl 20q, do not forget leveling added fire gem, some t16 bosses are bleed immune.
2. +6k - belt, try to get rustic sash base
3. +3k - every jewel
4. +3k - perfect roll soul taker
5. +2k - 16% attack speed suffix on gloves
6. as i said, main hand axe is main source, your 320 pdps is ok for maps up to t15.
triwesterki wrote:
Crasyhead wrote:
Hello agien Crasylegs here forgot to lock in with my steam acount.
whode you mind taking a look at my stuff Triwesterki?

all good i think you have not any problems with leveling up to 90.
you have 37k dps, but against bleeding enemies - 59% more
sources of dps you can get:
1. +10k - gems 20lvl 20q, do not forget leveling added fire gem, some t16 bosses are bleed immune.
2. +6k - belt, try to get rustic sash base
3. +3k - every jewel
4. +3k - perfect roll soul taker
5. +2k - 16% attack speed suffix on gloves
6. as i said, main hand axe is main source, your 320 pdps is ok for maps up to t15.

Ok thank you. im a new player to the game started arund 2-3 weeks ago so im not ritch with ingame money.
So getting upgrades is going to happen slow but will get there in time :)
I haven't seen anything on The Stone of Lazhwar Amulet. In the guide the above the line stat is 4% Chance to Block Spells. That is no longer an option. Is this still what we want? What I now see is mostly +# to Intelligence. Also the voidheart no longer causes bleeding, there is just Melee Attacks have +#% Chance to Cause Bleeding.

Last edited by redwingsoh on Nov 6, 2016, 6:13:39 PM
1) yes, you are right about lazhwar.
last week i tested my lvl91 dual striker on maps without lazhwar and some skill tree changes. and yes, it works. we don't need lazhwar while mapping.
i want to make uber atziri or vaal temple run without lazhwar to be sure, that i can sustain life without spell block. then i can recommend to drop or not this item in different scenarios.
2) "Melee Attacks have (30-50)% chance to cause Bleeding"
all we need is using bloodlust bonus. we have 3 sources to cause bleed on enemy: warchief, leap slam, vengeance. that's why it's not a big problem. just bloodlust bonus is not always active from the first second of fight.

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