[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Yeah the guide in general, it can go way more offensive or defensive, depending on the playstyle and preference.

I choosed the solid middle of those and this is already tanky enough for hc if you dont fuck up with Stormbearers and avoidable skillshots like vaalslam

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Hello man! Awesome build indeed, best one i have ever seen before. What do u think about new ele dmg gem? If u will use it what u will change?
Milkyslice wrote:
BeRse wrote:
Donut_Harvest wrote:

Also, what other damage gem?

Controlled Destruction

doesnt work, next one plz

Elemental Focus :D
So I guess 6L will be RF - Spell totem - Elemental Focus - Rapid Decay - Inc burn dmg - Inc aoe/Conc effect (swap for bosses). I guess that means Chieftan with fire immune totems are good (unless you want to run PoF).
BeRse wrote:

Elemental Focus :D

Wondering whether Elemental Focus will work for RF builds?
Although the damage is fire damage but it is still considered a burn?
burn is no status alliment, ignite is. RF wouldnt deal any dmg on Chance to avoid status alliment mapmods. I am 99% sure it will work.

That new Elemental Overload node is INSANE too!

40% more elemental damage if youve crit for 8secs, no more crit multi.

You can actually crit with dualtotem (used pcoc+ice spear on a dual shockwave totem build).

I consider a cdwt+icespear+critchance setup or selfcast

I am totally waiting for the small. chieftain nodes, i hope for totem ele resi, with some jewels it would be possible to get capped resists. Totem. life would still be insane.

if not, a chieftain should drop EE and maybe use Malachais Artifice + ice trap/lightning trap for curse immune maps and/or bosses, if the gear allows to use it.

I've made a big Quote on the Mainpage with my current prefered Gems, Gear and Skilltree. Obviously some things will change the next week, especially the tree. I will keep it updated if something changes that affects the build!

The basics are already in the guide (2.1) and ill update the whole guide when everything is final

Moved to the Marauder Section :)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Feb 25, 2016, 7:04:00 AM
Is elemental overload only proc'd by *you* critting? what about your totems if we were to say, use a flame totem? I know its probably not possible considering links but RF totem + searing bond + flame totem procing EO would be pretty nice damage but I suspect EO isn't triggered by crits that come from totems/traps etc
Is elemental overload only proc'd by *you* critting? what about your totems if we were to say, use a flame totem? I know its probably not possible considering links but RF totem + searing bond + flame totem procing EO would be pretty nice damage but I suspect EO isn't triggered by crits that come from totems/traps etc

Ehm i dont think it will work with totems, traps and mines, maybe it does ':D

If it works i dont know where to use a flametotem. Linkwise its possible to add a flametotem somewhere but for packs i want aoe from 2 rf totems and singletarget 1-2 icespear are enough for the 8second buff.


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
hi, gonna roll this next league

i have some questions
1) why dual totem? not single and sould mantle for example? or just single+bond with massive aoe priority?
2) why tukohama at chieftain tree is not absolute priority?
No rest for the wicked
Nice work Milkyslice, I like where this is going.
Domine Non Es Dignus

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