[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

how should it? RF is neither an attack or places a debuff on enemys with a Duration (like an ignite)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Hi Milkyslice,

You didn't mention in boot enchantment section 'Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently'. For me it seems pretty good to get for high end boss fights, isn't it?
Last edited by fwd on Apr 2, 2017, 11:54:00 PM
I'm looking at your gear... why don't you have any chaos resists? Don't you have a problem with chaos damage?
fwd wrote:
Hi Milkyslice,

You didn't mention in boot enchantment section 'Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently'. For me it seems pretty good to get for high end boss fights, isn't it?

degens cannot penetrate resists. it does not work with our skills

I'm looking at your gear... why don't you have any chaos resists? Don't you have a problem with chaos damage?

ive got 20 chaos resist on the tree and thats enough for me in most maps. I cycle in a amethyst flask if i know that i encounter heavy chaos dmg like in uberatziri (trashmobs) or the overgrown ruin map. Without tukohamas fortress it would be easier to add some chaos resist on my gear but i never cared about it that much

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
fwd wrote:
Hi Milkyslice,

You didn't mention in boot enchantment section 'Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently'. For me it seems pretty good to get for high end boss fights, isn't it?

degens cannot penetrate resists. it does not work with our skills

I want to make it absolutely clear. You still can reduce enemy's fire resistance with Scorching Ray, right? So you can only decrease resists with Flammability (for example) and Scorching Ray, but no penetrate?

EDIT: Nvm, I just read it in wiki section. You even have in in FAQ section already, I should have checked it first. But thanks for the answer.
Last edited by fwd on Apr 3, 2017, 6:59:26 AM
Thanks for the guide Milky.
I leveled as RF totem to transition over to RF selfcast, but enjoyed it so much, im thinking about leveling another toon, to stick with totems. Your guide gave me great input!

I got 2 questions for you:
- In the guide you advice using berserk over chieftain for experienced players, yet you choose chieftain this league. Care to elaborate?
- With both rings and chest armor not granting any max HP, dont you feel kinda squishy? At how much HP are you at with that gear?
Last edited by Mathorg on Apr 4, 2017, 6:41:36 AM
Kudos for the well written guide. I love totem builds and have played AW & FT in the past. Looking forward to trying this out!

A few questions:
1) You have listed in your gear gems no spell totem gem, but you have it listed in the updated gems. Which one is correct?
2) While I think it is important to show off the real potential of a build, I also wonder what the "average" non min-maxed version of a build will do. Assuming no Tukahama and a 5L Soul Mantle, what kind of content will this build reasonably clear?
3) I've seen people recommend RF totems as a transition into self cast RF. But self cast RF has a lot of limitations on map mods and RF totems doesn't seem to have any (that I can tell). What's the point of switching?
Beginner here, loving your build. How would your most optimal progression be on the atlas? What are the best maps to run after t9?
jddc78 wrote:
Kudos for the well written guide. I love totem builds and have played AW & FT in the past. Looking forward to trying this out!

A few questions:
1) You have listed in your gear gems no spell totem gem, but you have it listed in the updated gems. Which one is correct?
2) While I think it is important to show off the real potential of a build, I also wonder what the "average" non min-maxed version of a build will do. Assuming no Tukahama and a 5L Soul Mantle, what kind of content will this build reasonably clear?
3) I've seen people recommend RF totems as a transition into self cast RF. But self cast RF has a lot of limitations on map mods and RF totems doesn't seem to have any (that I can tell). What's the point of switching?

Im not the OP, but i gues i can help a bit:
1) Spell Totem is not needed in Soul Mantle. If you run without Soul mantle, sure use it. If you have a 6l Soul Mantle, you can use a 21/20 Spell Totem as your 6th link (or increased burn, or item rarity)
2) If you check out my charackter MathoRUN, who has pretty shitty gear (still my beginner levling setup) alltogether probably like 40c maximum. I can easily clear all yellow maps with about any mod. Depending on how slow/carefully you play probably even way higher. The damage is pretty high and mobs pretty much instant die up to t9-10. Rares/Magic packs probably last like 2-3sec, some fire resist probably even a bit longer. I play without any curse, without EE, without EO, without any rare jewels ... and even counter myself with removing curses from guardian ascendency and thus not maintinging the juicy +/- 100%increased damage from self flaggelation.

Here is my char:

This build even on a low budget should be able to clear almost anything, if you play carefully (place totems infront of you). Im a bit squishy, but damage is no problem at all, especially if i think how much damage i could still add with EE, EO and curses...
3) Thats what i ask myself too and even made a thread about it:
So far i would say: Self cast has advantage of using +30 more damage over time essence crafting mod and you dont have to stop that split second to put down the totems and another split second until totem acitvates RF. Self cast with very high end gear can reach higher damage, as you can reach higher ES than you can with totems. Self cast has more points to put into defence (which results in more offence too), because it doesnt need any totem nodes/jewels.
Im probably respeccing my guardian to selfcast and level myself a marauder (not sure if berserk or chieftain yet) for totems so i can play both, as both seem pretty intresting for me.
Last edited by Mathorg on Apr 4, 2017, 9:45:37 AM
Interesting and thanks for the input! I have a self cast LL RF Guardian currently and it is a blast to run in maps T13 and below. I have 13k ES, so still a ways to go to max.

The reason I asked this question is because a few things started to become very apparent to me with that build.

1) Map mods started to get really messy. I found myself leafing through every map and seriously contemplating whether I should run it or not. That is not fun to me :). I'm accustomed to targeting builds that can run the majority of content regardless of mod.
2) I started to run into some issues with that build around T13-T16. Most of it was due to map mods, but part of it started to revolve around damage as well. To really get self cast working you need some seriously optimized gear/gems so your aura's are covered optimally.
3) Self cast is very tanky, but there are times where standing next to the mobs is just not a good idea. Totems are so much better in these cases and have served me well in the past.

I was psyched that this build is not nearly as dependent on gems/gear. But also want realistic expectations that it can actually do guardians/shaper eventually. That's my ultimate goal for this league as I've fallen short in the past. So trying to find a build that can accomplish these goals without crazy min-maxed gear.

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