Life Gain on Hit

BRavich wrote:
A year ago this gem worked with spells. I take it that is not the case anymore?
With all due respect, it did not. The stat used by this gem has never worked on spells in beta.
Looking through the history of the code (form before my time), the life gain on hit stat was added to the game for the first time in October 2010, long before the beta started, and was restricted to attack-only less than four hours later, in the next update to that file. It has remained that way ever since.
The support gem would have been created some time after the introduction of the stat, although I can't as easily track that one down.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jan 17, 2013, 7:15:52 PM
Ah, I see. That poster was probably not actually referring to spells, but rather to AoE attack skills, and using the wrong term.
qwertyIVXX wrote:

Since this is for Attack Skill Gems only, could you state "Attack, Support" instead of just "Support"?
You're right, this should have the attack tag. I'll fix that up.

qwertyIVXX wrote:
Over-Reaching Suggestion:
(this may not be the place to state this but it is related)
Maybe use the term "Physical" in place of "Attack" to avoid confusion?
This would massively increase confusion, because it's wrong. Not all attacks deal physical damage, and not all physical damage is from attacks. Physical damage and attacks are very different things.
Last edited by Mark_GGG on Jan 29, 2013, 10:00:08 PM
qwertyIVXX wrote:
I get what you're saying and agree...Physical doesn't work. Perhaps Weapon would be a better choice to counter balance "Spell" as I'm finding damage done with attack skills are done by your weapons. I understand this may not be the right thread for this so if you could point me towards a thread better suited for this discussion I would appreciate it.
Weapon is also incorrect (although less so), as attacks can be unarmed, which involves no weapons - "weapon" bonuses do not apply to unarmed attacks.

qwertyIVXX wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Physical damage and attacks are very simple things.

And just an FYI, I greatly appreciate what you all are doing and understand that you may be under quite a bit of stress due to the massive influx in users. But what I don't appreciate is the condescending remark implying I don't understand the difference between Physical Damage and an attack.
My sincere apologies. I am quite tired today (through no-one's fault but my own) and mystyped. I honestly intended to say "very different things", but between doing multiple things at once and my brain typing on autopilot I clearly used a completely different word, and failed to proof-read my post. I can see why you would take offence at that, and hope you will believe me that it was simply a mistake and no malice or condescention was indented.

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