Item Rarity

Lionguild wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
wuweird wrote:
Does the IR increase count for enemy killed by the ongoing effect of an attack, such as the AoE poison of Poison Arrow? Or is it only for direct kills by the projectile?
No. Currently these supports can only apply to actual hits with the supported skill. We hope to change this in future.

Wait so that also includes explosive arrow don't it? Hope this gets fixed.
No, explosive arrow works fine. The explosion hits enemies. the poison arrow cloud doesn't hit anything, so these can't apply.
soul4hdwn wrote:
except punishment but don't think that'll work still.
Punishment never deals damage, it causes the monster to damage itself (in that some of the damage the monster deals is reflected back at it). That damage did not come from the punishment skill, it came from whatever damaging skill the monster used.
the support gems for drop quantity/rarity do work on the totem, they are currently not displayed because of a minor visual bug.

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