
Vipermagi wrote:
There's nothing else to say. Cleave has a penalty to Physical damage when dual-wielding. That's all there is to it. Elemental damage is not Physical damage.

ok just seeing it as awkward

Multistrike, melee splash, damage effectiveness etc add or reduce damage, as a whole, not phys or ele, but less / more damage, as in the entire attack's damage. It would be strange to penalise physical dmg and not elemental dmg, when both are forming part of an attack.

Ele cleave is inferior to physical cleave already. The penalty can stay the way it is.
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Cleave suffers from several flaws. I'll point out a few that I've noticed.

(Currently level 56 Maradauder)

1. Desync - the skills seems to lose it's synch with the game far more often than any other skills that I've used. --> To an extent that makes the skill useless.

2. Delay on damage - When my sharpened blades are swung there's a delay before the damage is applied. This feels very odd as it appears to be waiting for the full swing to be globally done thus making the first units in line not take "proper" damage.

Those two issues are probably combined in one way or another and I don't think it'll get better once I start upping my attack speed.

I would like to know how crit is calculated with cleave (dual wielding). Is it average of both weapon ? Does each weapon has a different chance to crit and if one of those crit the whole thing is a crit? If using crit weakness, does it double check for crit for both weapon or is it counted as only 1 hit?
Each weapon has its own Crit Chance.

When you activate a Skill, the game does a single Crit roll, ranging from 0 to 99.
If you have 10% Crit Chance, any roll between 0 and 9 is a Crit.

With Cleave and Dual Strike, each weapon is checked against the Crit roll separately. If you have one weapon with 5% Crit Chance and one with 10% Crit Chance, a 7 would cause a "half crit"; 5% does not pass, 10% does.

Crit Weakness simply increases the range in which a Crit occurs. At +5%, the 10% Crit Chance weapon would Crit on 0 to 14, instead of 0 to 9.
Vipermagi wrote:
If you have one weapon with 5% Crit Chance and one with 10% Crit Chance, a 7 would cause a "half crit"; 5% does not pass, 10% does.
trying to verify but, the "half crit" is still "all of skill" as per non DW skills or just that weapon part of the skill?
soul4hdwn wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
If you have one weapon with 5% Crit Chance and one with 10% Crit Chance, a 7 would cause a "half crit"; 5% does not pass, 10% does.
trying to verify but, the "half crit" is still "all of skill" as per non DW skills or just that weapon part of the skill?

In the given example, the 10% Crit weapon will deal Crit damage, the other will deal regular damage.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jul 29, 2013, 4:59:35 PM
But the devs clearly stated that skills were all crit or no crit ... and that there are no exception
FleepQc wrote:
But the devs clearly stated that skills were all crit or no crit ... and that there are no exception

There are always exceptions.
Vipermagi wrote:
FleepQc wrote:
But the devs clearly stated that skills were all crit or no crit ... and that there are no exception

There are always exceptions.
sorry i didn't know how... finite he was describing. guess my ancient dream build of dagger+claw is half viable. the passive node adder's touch would only "work" on the dagger portion of a DW skill (duel strike, as cleave can't use those two weapon types).

would be important for others to note however is, the sword anti block passives. it should work similarly as just explained.
I'd like to be able to use this skill with a dagger or claw in the offhand... last time I've tried it it didn't work.

Other skills work when only the main-hand weapon is compatible with the skill, so the same could happen here: if both weapons are compatible you hit with both; if only thei main-hand weapon is compatible, you only hit with that.

It makes no sense to be able to use cleave with a shield in the off-hand but not with a dagger. I'm also pretty sure that it works with nothing in the off-hand...

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