
Vipermagi wrote:
Of note; Cleave has a range of 20. The character cannot cover more than a range of 1, otherwise Unarmed wouldn't be capable of hitting anything (fairly sure Unarmed is range 2, maybe 3. One-hand weapons are 4-6).

So, you can pull all sorts of numbers out of your arse, but the space the character covers is infinitessimal, rather than 90% :)

The weapon/unarmed range might be measured from the edge of your model.
Then the same would happen with Cleave's range anyways, obviating your previous post entirely. *shrug*
Sucks, too low dmg, too high mana cost, too slow.
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Elemenz wrote:
Sucks, too low dmg, too high mana cost, too slow.

Would not agree with high mana/speed.

Damage is definitely too low though, compared to other melee options.
Considering how the results of pretty much every solo race ever prove that Cleave is quite likely the most OP skill in the (early) game, I'm a little surprised to see so many comments about how underpowered it is.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Jun 15, 2013, 7:28:00 AM
Cleave for pure physical is a bit underpowerd.. I'm running 15500 dps using a 6link in Anarchy now and i do alot less dps then others using some elemental based melee skill.

Let's hope the calculation physical > armor is changed

It should atleast have + area on the quality instead of that boring 10% atk speed.
Ign Nicolai
Badeanda wrote:
Cleave for pure physical is a bit underpowerd.. I'm running 15500 dps using a 6link in Anarchy now and i do alot less dps then others using some elemental based melee skill.

Let's hope the calculation physical > armor is changed

It should atleast have + area on the quality instead of that boring 10% atk speed.

if you're doing more than 1k physical damage you're already igoring any armor a mob can have in the game.. thats why when you get to highe dps physical>elemental.
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Last edited by VictorDoom on Jun 18, 2013, 8:42:59 PM
Too small aoe compare to Rain of Arrows etc..
Low dps, can't even dual wield cuz of -40% less dmg, tooltip lies.
This skill is a joke
Last edited by kate778 on Jun 19, 2013, 8:01:16 AM
kate778 wrote:
Too small aoe compare to Rain of Arrows etc..
Low dps, can't even dual wield cuz of -40% less dmg, tooltip lies.
This skill is a joke

1.Too small Aoe compared to Rain of Arrows ? Cleave is a melee skill.
Who cares about RoA ?

2.Low dps ? Ele Cleave can reach 10-15k with two mediocre weapons.
Physical cleave can also but with better weapons due to -40 less damage.

To crit or not to crit ?
Slagmaur wrote:
kate778 wrote:
Too small aoe compare to Rain of Arrows etc..
Low dps, can't even dual wield cuz of -40% less dmg, tooltip lies.
This skill is a joke

1.Too small Aoe compared to Rain of Arrows ? Cleave is a melee skill.
Who cares about RoA ?

2.Low dps ? Ele Cleave can reach 10-15k with two mediocre weapons.
Physical cleave can also but with better weapons due to -40 less damage.

Yes but u still do less dmg, u do really small hits per second, ele is better i aggre, but with physical u cant penetrete arm of monsters

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