[3.4] "Size doesn't matter" - Double Strike Tank Guide [HC] Atziri/Izaro/Guardians/Shaper/Elder

Rippin_Heads wrote:
Should i purchase abyssus helmet if i can't afford brass dome?

Yes, Abyssus helmet is arguably the only item required for this build.

Your chest piece is a build choice. Some people use Brass Dome for the ton of armor, others choose a life based chest. Both can work in the build. But for the helmet there is really only one choice.
yyyiiyyy wrote:
yyyiiyyy wrote:
WEll, im actually having REALLY BIG problems vs ubber elder, this build its viable vs UE ? bc im event close to kill him, with 3M dps, full resistances caped, 90% physical block and 7.3k hp..

Anyone actually killed it with this build ?

would you mind posting a path of building link? I am interested to break down how you are at 3m DPS so that I can see how to upgrade.

As a side question, how do you handle bleed and freeze with your flask setup?

here is bro.

Thanks! I don't know if you saw my question but how do you handle bleed and freeze with your flask set up? Do you change flasks per boss you fight?
yyyiiyyy wrote:

here is bro.

oh I see the difference now! Your DS setup is 100% single target. Looks like you removed Ancestral Call and Melee splash and added in maim and bloodlust. As soon as I make the same changes I jump over 3m dps as well...

Is this how you ran all end game or do you switch out gems in your DS setup when facing the end game bosses?
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Oct 3, 2018, 9:52:04 PM
yyyiiyyy wrote:
yyyiiyyy wrote:
WEll, im actually having REALLY BIG problems vs ubber elder, this build its viable vs UE ? bc im event close to kill him, with 3M dps, full resistances caped, 90% physical block and 7.3k hp..

Anyone actually killed it with this build ?

would you mind posting a path of building link? I am interested to break down how you are at 3m DPS so that I can see how to upgrade.

As a side question, how do you handle bleed and freeze with your flask setup?

here is bro.

Well.. usually doesnt care much if i get frozen since on mapping stage im kind of immortal, but usually if i open a breach i just equip kyras, just in case, and for bleeding, well im usually paying atention on the minions what i kill.

yyyiiyyy wrote:

here is bro.

oh I see the difference now! Your DS setup is 100% single target. Looks like you removed Ancestral Call and Melee splash and added in maim and bloodlust. As soon as I make the same changes I jump over 3m dps as well...

Is this how you ran all end game or do you switch out gems in your DS setup when facing the end game bosses?

Na, for mapping i swich Multistrike+Bloodlust for Ancestral Call+Melee Splash
I have just realised that I have been running this build without Arctic Armor! What an idiot!

I shall do this when i get in tonight and see if it helps me with my survivability!
why jugg instead of champion ?
why jugg instead of champion ?

bc with juguger you maximize your maximize your endurance charges use, and wih that your maximize your survavility.
yyyiiyyy wrote:
why jugg instead of champion ?

bc with juguger you maximize your maximize your endurance charges use, and wih that your maximize your survavility.

Thanks !
And dont have you some regen/leech lack with this build ?
i prefer natural regen/leech instead of potions.
yyyiiyyy wrote:
why jugg instead of champion ?

bc with juguger you maximize your maximize your endurance charges use, and wih that your maximize your survavility.

Thanks !
And dont have you some regen/leech lack with this build ?
i prefer natural regen/leech instead of potions.

*The passive tree and ascendancy nodes provide life regen. 8.6% combined from tree and ascendancy (when all 6 endurance charges are active). 4% of this regen total goes towards sustaining Bloodrage

*Life leech comes from running Bloodrage . Bloodrage gives 1.2% of physical attack damage leeched as life.
Last edited by AndyLovesHisBge on Oct 4, 2018, 8:07:40 PM

Herald of Ash fits this build better than Herald of Ice because Ash gets the benefits of all our investments in physical damage scaling where Ice does not.

True, but at some point with the overkill damage you're hitting diminishing returns. It doesn't matter if you hit pack and it dies in 0.01 second or 0.03 seconds.

I am gonna test HoA (im using Hatred and no Arctic armour btw) and see if i can leave out my beautiful blue charges from HoI + Assassin's Mark + CoH combo ;]
There was no great genius without a touch of madness - Seneca (younger)

hehehehehehehehehehe - Niko the Mad

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