The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Would love to join

Would love to join!
IGN: Splongus
Looks Fun! My highest character is at lvl 85, though I haven't gotten into metacrafting and the like yet. Might be the place to start.
IGN: influenza

I'm not in need of any help I just want to join a group I could run maps with in standard, just came back to the game a week ago. I also have my own maps
Hi im looking for a guild

I'm a daily player

ign Doggettts_Super_Scion

IGN Daruhan. I want to join
poe is a great game. the guild seems friendly. I'd love to join :-]
Hello all,
Dante here, (Dante_gctotems for a character name)

I am looking for an active guild that is will help me reach my goals for Betrayal and future leagues.
I have been playing POE off and on since Aug 2, 2012. I have taken multiple breaks but have had a level 90 character in the last 3-4 leagues.
I have yet to face Shaper or Uber elder and as such have set the following goals for the Betrayal league.

Defeat Shaper
Defeat Uber Elder
Reach Delve 250+
Maybe get a Headhunter? Using the gains from farming Shaper/Elder.

For the first 4-6 weeks of a league I play every night for 3-4 hours depending on work requirements. With Betrayal happening over Christmas vacations will allow me a lot more time than normal.

Build Plan for 3.5 (Pending change log which isn't out yet)
In past leagues I have played fairly casual and have almost always played a totem or minion build without any set goal. In Betrayal I plan on playing a Duel Poets Pen build, Most likely a spark/Ball Lightning build based on Mathil's recent video in order to push the highest level of content.

Is this the Guild for me? Send me a message on this forum is you think so!
Looking for a new guild and new friends.

IGN: Aisytana

Heyo, I'm a daily player and I'd love to join.



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