The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

I'd love to join!
IGN: Javvz_
Hi, I'd like to join!
IGN: TrapMike

IGN Souseran

Hello! Would like to join your guild. player on most right now is JHubert

thank you!



Would like to

Ty buddy im a little exile lookin for friends . I have discord

ign : alexwar666
Bring me one of those chickens.
I'd like an invite! I play almost daily

ign: SToraka
Hey i wanna join guild its kinda boring playing alone

Hello id like to join, i mostly play alone but its starting to get dull so id love to play with others:D Im more active some weeks and less active other weeks, it depends on my work schedule(:

My IGN with my current character is: LilUsagi
Its been 2 days am i gonna get invited :(?
IGN: FrostySnowSkank

Looking to chill

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